Chapter 10

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'So, not only you kicked that douche teacher's ass, you got two free days off of school from Victor? Damn bro, that sure is badass on another level.'

I chuckled, eating my chocolate frosty as Sam sat across me, sipping his black coffee. Ugh, how can anyone drink that bitter thing?

'Well, this is a reason I thought of calling you after school and have a chat. But there is another one.'

'If you wanna date me, I already have a boyfriend and a girlfriend. So... well, I could make some time for my MMA master' he winked at me and I laughed.

'I feel flattered, but no, that's not the second reason. I was thinking that tomorrow would be nice for our second training session. At around noon would be nice, since we don't have classes.'

'Sure, lemme inform the guys. No wait, I will add you in our group chat so you can tell them yourself' he winked at me. I put my tongue out to mock him and he laughed. 'I really enjoy your company man. It's a shame we didn't become acquainted earlier. You always seemed so aloof and intimidating.'

I nodded 'I agree. It would be nice to get to meet you guys sooner.'

'How do things go so far? Any progress with your... former friends?'

I had already pondered on trusting him on my and Odette's reconciliation and I thought there was no better way to test his trust by using a half truth.

'Well, my friend Odette called me and she wanted to meet me. I don't know why though and, frankly, I don't know if I should.'

He nodded 'it makes sense. Gaining back your trust won't be easy man. May I ask you something though?'

'Sure' I said. Looks like he believed what I said about Odette, although it is true that I am still trying to figure out if she has regained my full trust.

He looked in my eyes with a serious expression 'what is so special about your friends that not having them in your life is killing you?'

Out of all the things I expected to hear, this wasn't one. Actually, no one in the past few months asked me something remotely close to this topic. My family already knew how important their friendship was to me. I looked down in my hands and sighed.

'Nothing really. Been friends for many years with them. Our friendship literally became a part of our lives. It didn't have to be extraordinary to be special. Sometimes the ordinary, simple things, the things we take for granted, may be the most important ones.'

I didn't notice that my hands were shaking, nor Sam's hand placed softly one of my own. His hand left mine as soon as he saw that I noticed. I looked in his eyes seriously.

'I don't mind. I honestly don't. Fuck the world and what they think. If a simple act of kindness between two men is viewed by someone as gay, then something is wrong with them. Although I don't mind gay people-'

'Don't justify yourself to me man' he interrupted me softly. 'You don't have to. I know what you mean. And you are right. You know, I was surprised. I never expected that you would open up like this to me. And I honestly don't know how to react.'

I smiled as I sat more comfortably on my chair 'thank you. Just letting me share this, is enough. And I don't want to guilt trip you or make this an equivalent exchange type of friendship. We can keep this strictly like a MMA instructor-student bond-'

Sam interrupted me guilt tripping myself and laughed softly at that 'didn't I just tell you to not justify yourself to me? Chill man' he added as he took his phone out of his pocket 'and let me show you a race from a week ago. Of course, I didn't win, but I came in second.'

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