Chapter 4

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Almost diabolical. The video was indeed a fine alteration of its original content. It was cleverly cut, with impactful music was playing on the behind, making it seem as if it was a news report clip. The parts where Zane resisted were cut out, as well as the part where he willingly followed me after I cleaned his wound. It made sense now.

I could practically press charges for defamation, which I intended to do right after I find out who was behind all this and why they did it. In other words, I needed to find a motive here. Because it didn't make any sense why would someone use this as a prank on me.

I mean, I am not exactly popular. More like, until this video popped up, I was the boring student learning MMA and childhood friend of Zane.

Friend of Zane huh, I thought bitterly before I gasped. What if, somehow, this situation was aimed to get me away from him for some reason. Or my wishful thinking made me process this because I really miss him. My closest friend. I miss my other best friends too. But now...

My sadness shifted into rage inside me. Some pieces of shit decided to ruin my friendships and social life by reversing a rescuer to me being the danger in it. Wow. But the question really was, what was the catch?

I took out my phone and called Odette by using the anonymous call service. It was the best chance to talk to her, even briefly. She wouldn't answer her phone if she saw my name there, as she hadn't done so for months. Plus, I hadn't been able to find her in the past few weeks using this method. But maybe, during school hours, she would be less sceptical and would actually answer her phone.

Surprisingly, after two rings, she picked up.

'Mike here' I said softly once she answered her phone. I heard her voice slightly hitch in surprise.

'Calling me to rub it in my face?'

I gulped at the hostile tone. She never was hostile. But I noticed she was crying.

'Where are you' I asked calmly.

She sniffled and couldn't answer.

'Damn it Odette, if anyone hurt you-'

'You... you know who hurt me.'

'Nope. Where are you. I am coming right now.'

'Music class.'

I put my laptop in and as I wanted to go there as fast as possible, an intriguing plan formed in my mind.

I went towards the girls that now were looking very weary.

'I never hurt Zane' I said simply. 'But I know who tried to. That video is a fake, someone altered it. If you don't believe me, ask the security guard for the original content. So, please don't look at me as if I want to bash your skulls in.'

They all looked down nervously and surprised. A lesson I learned years ago was to always be direct and honest.

'I know it is difficult, but it is the truth. Someone tries to make me look like the bad guy and I practically have no friends now because of that. So please, just ask the security guards. We even shared some classes for the past three years, do I really look like an asshole who would attack his best friend?'

I didn't realize I was almost yelling because the girls were looking a bit scared at me. I sighed 'sorry, I forgot how to socialize normally after becoming a supposed thug. It's just, I am just tired. Good day and sorry.'

Wow, I shared a lot there to almost strangers. Damn, I am really depressed. As I was going to the exit I heard one of them.

'Wait a second Alexis.'

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