Chapter 5

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As I left the dojo, I hadn't forgotten the promise I made with the gang. I took bandages, some powder and a little bit of balsam oil, in case someone would get a scratch.

I felt nervous. I was practically walking to a park filled with gang members, awaiting to be taught about martial arts. I shook my head. I didn't care anymore. If they were to help me out, I would make sure to give them at least this much in return.

Once I reached the park, I saw Sam waiting there with three of his mates. As soon as they saw me, they greeted me with nods and smiles.

I nodded back, took my backpack off, settled a bottle of water next to me and looked at Sam.

'Punctual, I like that.'

He smirked 'of course man. This is gonna be sweet.'

'If this is some sort of a plan to get me here alone and beat me up, even if you manage that, at least two of you will get broken bones.'

My voice sounded almost foreign to me. Even though I felt a bit nervous, my voice sounded very believably ice cold and rough. All their smiles dropped, one of them shivered in fear.

I sighed and smirked 'rule number one in martial arts. Before you try to fight, make sure to use all means to avoid a fight. Against few, intimidation. Against many, fleeing.'

I almost laughed at how their eyes bulged out and then they smiled nervously.

'This isn't a joke. I got a black belt and I am also a teaching assistant at the gym, so technically this can be considered an introduction to a formal MMA course. I can ask my teacher to give you all entrance at the gym after we train outside a few times. If you got any questions, please ask them anytime.'

'Why here' a red head asked. His physique wasn't bad, but his posture showed that he was putting more weight on his left leg.

'If this was really a trap, a park has more means for me to dodge and escape, even if you have people hidden around-'

'Man, we wouldn't do that-' the blondie tried to say.

'Do I look like I care?' I asked calmly 'gym and studying are all I have left. Most importantly, parks are spacious and good environments for training in case of a real life incident.'

They nodded in understanding 'we might be thugs, we get it. You don't seem like a thug though. Yet the video is right there. You took on four people like that without flinching. We don't wanna hurt you man' Sam said seriously 'people judge us all the time based on whatever the fuck they think we do.'

I gasped softly at my own stupidity 'I apologize. I don't want to be misunderstood, yet I judged your motives.'

'No' the brunette said, George might be his name 'you were right. At school, Sam tested you and we used our thug bullshit on you. But I am here to learn. The others didn't want to come so that you wouldn't feel intimidated. You took on four people. We are four people here. You can take us on.'

I smirked surprised at his logic 'so you say I can take on you all? I see. After the third course, I will tell you of what really happened that day.'

'You mean why you wanted to destroy Zane' the red head asked.

I smirked at him 'yes. Now, S, come here for a bit.'

Sam looked at me and smirked back as he came close to me, keeping a distance of around four feet.

'Try to punch me. In the face' I pointed at my nose.


'Do so' I asked.

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