Chapter 9

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I flopped on my bed, waking up Otto from his deep sleep. He crawled over and layed down on my chest. I slowly moved up onto my bed and got under the sheets. Otto twitched a little as I held him while doing so. My bedroom light was out making my room black as my soul, except for the small blue light flashing from my extention cord. The house was silent except for the small movements that came from my living room. I could hear Michael trying to get comfortable on the foldout couch. I insisted that he sleep in my bed and I sleep on the couch instead, but he denied my offer.

Michael can be a such nice guy, even when the situation is terrible. I would have been fine sleeping on the couch, I've done it before. He's the guest anyways and deserve better than me. Besides, I want to treat Michael good after what almost happened last night. We splashed each other for a bit before he pulled me into his body. I still feel the warmth that came out of his hands onto my cheeks. We both leaned in, ready to kiss, before we were rudely blinded and interrupted.

The gaurd that walks around the beach, checking everything flashed us with his huge ass flashlight. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU KIDS DOING?" Michael and I rushed back to my house, practically dying from laughter. When we said goodnight it was slightly awkward because neither of us knew if we wanted to kiss or hug.

I smiled laying in bed thinking about the last few hours that Michael and I had just spent together. I yawned and curled up around Otto who had now moved off from my chest onto the mattress beside me. His snoring was slowly putting me to sleep, like it does every night. The last thing I remember hearing was Michael swearing quietly as he finally got comfortable on the couch.


I stretched my arms into the air, yawning as I did so. The breeze from my small fan gave me the chills. I pulled back the blankets and heaed towards my dresser. Otto snorted a couple times in his sleep while I rummaged through my drawer. My black green day sweater was crumbled into a ball in the corner of the draw. I slipped it on and quietly opened my bedroom door. The smell of bacon, eggs and pancakes filled my nose.

The couch was back to normal and the blankets I got out for Michael were nicely folded on the floor by the TV stand. I heard some crashing in the kitchen and rushed over there. Michael was on the floor, covered in flour that had fallen out of the pantry. He looked up, half smiling at me as I stood there, trying my best to not laugh at him. "I was trying to get the syrup out."

I walked over and pulled him up. His whole body was covered in pure white powder making his skin more pale than it already is. "Let's get you clean." I said beginning to pull him towards my bathroom. "

"The food! It'll go cold!" I chuckled as he began to worry about the food rather than getting himself clean. "Ok. Hold on." I let go of his hand and finished flipping the pancakes and bacon. Michael stood watching me as I put all the food onto plates wrapped tinfoil over them and put them in the microwave and oven to stay warm.

"Better?" He nodded his hand and took my hand in his. White powered trailed behind us as we made our way to the bathroom. I sat him down on the edge of the bathtub and grabbed a face cloth. The warm water wiped away all the flour showing me some tiny open cuts from the fall.

I grabbed my emergent kit from under the sink and began fixing him up. The flour had covered his chest making it look like Michael was wearing a shirt, but after cleaning him up I realized he was only in his boxers.

"I'm such an idiot." He said smacking his hand against his forehead. That action made him slightly yell in pain. I moved his hand and checked for any cuts on his head. "You have a cut on your forehead from the container falling on you." The glass container that was full to the brim had shattered when it bit the counter. Luckily none of the glass got in him, just cut the surface.

I grabbed a pair of clothes for Michael that were sitting on his suitcase. He thanked me and I stepped out of the bathroom heading to the kitchen. It needs to be cleaned up before someone else gets hurts or Otto starts to eat the flour. Luckily when I got to the kitchen, Otto was no where near the mess.

I grabbed the cleaning supplies from the small closet in the furnace room. Otto came along while I was carefully picking up the glass and just sat by the kitchen, watching me. Michael ventured to the kitchen after a while and helped me clean up the mess. With the two of us cleaning time went by fast and we finished quickly.

"So....the foods cold now." I said taking out the plates of bacon, pancakes and eggs. Michael sighed and plopped sadly at the small table in the corner of the kitchen. "Sorry Willow. It's my fault."

I walked over to him and patted his shoulder. He looked up towards me, sadness all over his face. "Its fine Michael. I appreciate the thought." I grabbed his hand and pulled him up into a hug. He dug his face into my neck making me giggle a little. Otto came over to us and curled up on the floor by our feet.

Michael lifted his head up and looked down at Otto chuckling. "Someone likes us together." I blushed and gave a little laugh as Otto jumped up and began barking. We let go of each other and Michael picked up Otto. Otto started licking his face as I stepped into the living room, grabbing my car keys from the little handmade bowl.

He walked into the living room, holding Otto who had calmed down and was almost asleep. "McDonald's?" I said holding the keys up. Michael's eyes widened and he vigorously nodded his head.

Michael slowly set Otto down on the couch while I grabbed out jackets off the coat hanger. It's usually quite cold this early in the morning, so hopefully the food will warm us up.


We sat in the car, eating our McDonald's and just chilling to the music. "How's the pancakes?" I asked as I finished chewing my piece of pancake. Michael put his thumbs up and gave a big grin. Some chewed up bacon and pancakes came out of his mouth getting onto his lap. I laughed earning a light punch on my shoulder.

He gulped his drink down and glared at me. "You know your quite rude." Michael put his garbage into the bag and stared at me.

"I know. And that's why you like me." I grabbed the garbage before he could say anything.

The wind hit my face and blew my hair all over. Chills came all over my body while I rushed over to the garbage and back to the car. Michael was glaring at me as I rubbed my arms and warmed up a bit.

"What's that look for?" I said taking a sip from my coffee.

"Who said I like you." My smile dropped. I put my coffee back in the cup holder, turning to look at him. "What?" He moved forward still glaring.

"Willow. I don't like you." My heart started beating as the thought of all this being a lie. Michael saying he'd do anything for me, lie. Him getting alone great with Otto, lie. This is the first time in along time that I actually feel comfortable about telling someone what happened in my past.

"You don't like me?" The sadness clear as day in my voice. I could feel a tear forming in my eye, ready slide down my face. His face was inches away from my face.

All of a sudden his lips were pressed against mine. I went stif not really knowing what was happening, but my body relaxed as his hands cupped on my face. My hands roamed onto his legs as we both leaned over the cup holders.

Michael broke us apart, leaving us to catch our breath. My heart full of love  "I love you."

Micheal Clifford- Gamer BoyWhere stories live. Discover now