Chapter 16

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She smiled as we drove away from the airport to my house. Willow focused on the scenery that surrounded us as I drove. I smiled seeing her get more excited the closer I told her we were to my house. I was just as excited as her, the girl that I love is coming to visit me for hopefully a long time. One of my favourite dogs is sitting in the back, coming down with her as well. I've said this many times ever since I met Willow, but I haven't been this happy in a long time. Willow makes my heart pound in my chest, she makes me smile at the smallest things. She gets my jokes, she's beautiful and most of all, she has the most kind-hearted personality. 

I stood nervously at the doors, palms sweating as I waited for a small glimpse of Willow. She had texted me when her flight took off, and when it landed. I got to the airport way too early since my nerves were shot and I couldn't wait to see her. My hands began shaking as the doors opened and people started walking to their loved ones, personal drivers or just walking away by themselves. My world froze as I saw her beautiful green eyes searching around for me, a small kennel in her left hand and a purse in the other. 

She walked through the door, smiling when our eyes locked together. The heat rushed to my cheeks and my hands stopped shaking. Willow began to walk faster, heading straight for me. When we got close, she set down Otto's kennel, gave me the biggest smile and we immediately pulled in for a hug. My face pressed into her shoulder, her scent entering my body as I breathed in. I've missed this smell so much. "I missed you." She said squeezing herself closer to me. 

"I missed you too." We pulled away, our faces inching closer together. We could feel each other's hearts pound. She smiled and leaned in, closing her eyes as we kissed. My body melted as our lips crashed together, matching in sync perfectly. 

I turned the car off as we had just pulled into the driveway. Otto was wide awake, barking at us to let him out. Willow was practically vibrating in her seat as I unlocked the doors. She quickly hopped out, grabbed Otto from the back and went to grab her bags from the trunk. I stopped her before she could, and started walking to the front door with each bag in my arms. "I can carry my own bags, Michael." I shook my head and fished the house keys from my back pocket. 

Willow gasped as I opened the door and two dogs jumped right at her. She dropped Otto's kennel on the ground and started laughing as Southy and Moose licked her. I set down her bags and pulled back my two dogs, not wanting them to smother Willow to death. "Willow. Meet Southy and Moose." The two were taking turns sniffing Otto's kennel. I could see him hiding in the corner of the kennel, scared as he was just dropped onto the ground and surrounded by multiple dogs.

She stood up, chuckling as she brushed the dirt off her pants. Willow bent down and gave both dogs a good pet. Otto was picked up as well as her bags, so we walked into the house. Moose and Southy ran around, excited to see who was in the kennel with me and Willow. They like having guests over and we've never had an incident where anyone got hurt from them being too excited. I'm just hoping that the three dogs get along well and don't get into any fights. I know Willow would love Otto getting along with my dogs. It would give me a sense of us becoming a family and make her see that our future together could really work out.

I brought Willow into the living room, gently setting her bags beside the couch. She was in awe at how large my house is compared to hers. We sat down on the couch, getting ready to introduce Otto to his new surroundings. "Ok, buddy. You can come out." Willow said as she held the kennel in her lap. His small body curled up in the darkest corner, scared shitless as he didn't want to come out. Willow gave a small smile and reached in to take him out. Otto whimpered as Willow set the kennel down on the ground. Southy and Moose hung around my feet, waiting patiently to see who this new visitor is.

"It's ok Otto," I said smiling at him. His eyes lit up seeing me and he quickly jumped out from Willow's arms into mine. I chuckled and as he snuggled up to me. Willow scoffed, obviously jealous that her dog wanted me more than her. "It's ok. You'll get your snuggles later." I said winking at Willow. Her cheeks turned red hot pink, making her clearly embarrassed. 


Otto had settled down and gotten along with Southy and Moose quite well. They played together, all three of them, while I gave Willow the tour of the house. I had set up an extra room for her to sleep in, just in case she wasn't comfortable enough yet to be laying in bed at night with me. We did do that for one night, but she was really tired and begged me to do so. I'd like her to stay in my room with me, but she's the guest and I don't want to rush this "relationship."

"So this is the final room, my room." She stepped onto the black, fuzzy carpet, smiling at all of the things I had in my room. There were our albums scattered across some of the walls, pictures of the boys and me, pictures of my dogs and 1 single picture of Crystal. Willow walked up to it and smiled, "Is this you and Crystal?" I nodded my head and walked over to her.

I remember that day clearly. Crystal and I were at the beach, in the afternoon. I was so nervous that day. The boys had been encouraging me that everything would go perfectly and that she'd say yes. In the back of my mind, I knew what her answer would be, but you know how your mind works. When you are so nervous about something, it critiques everything your doing and makes you want to not go through with it. I remember the smile on her face when she said yes. My heart was thumping when I asked her, her eyes shining from the sun going down. Her beautiful face looked down at me, shocked and happy as I got down on one knee.

"You two look very happy." Willow turned around and pulled me in for a hug. She always seems to be giving me hugs, which I'm not complaining about. I pulled away and grabbed her hand, making us both sit on the edge of my bed. Willow, still smiling, looked at me as she waited for me to say something.

"So, I set up a room for you to stay in if you'd like, or, well, I was kinda hoping you'd want to sleep in here with me. Of course, it's your choice. Your the guest and I don't want to push you to do something you don't want to do. I'm just rambling on at this point, please stop me before I say something stupid."

She placed her hand on my shoulder, shushing my nonsense. "Michael," Willow chuckled quietly, "Course I'd sleep in here with you. That's why I flew out here, to be with you." I smiled and sighed deeply. Those few words have calmed me down.

"Michael." She said quietly. She took my hands in hers, looking directly into my eyes. "I love you."


Look at me go, two updates in a day. I guess I'm making up for the long break I unintentionally had. Also, have you listened to 2011 yet, holy shit it's so good. I am so glad to be living when during this time. I can't wait to hear the whole album. I'm already loving this new 5sos era, especially since all the boys look so good.

Micheal Clifford- Gamer BoyWhere stories live. Discover now