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nari put her hood up and shoved her hands into her pockets as she walked back to class

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nari put her hood up and shoved her hands into her pockets as she walked back to class. lunch time was beginning so she went in to grab her books.

she opened the door to the classroom, grabbing the attention of her teacher who had been typing away at his computer. she avoided eye contact but he watched as she walked to her desk and picked up her books. he didn't have to say it, but it was obvious she was his least favorite student. that can go for all of her teachers as well.

the girl fought the urge to roll her eyes at him staring her down annoyingly as she walked out of the classroom, not caring that the door behind her completely slammed shut.

nari did not have friends at this school. she believed everyone was exactly the same. snobby attitudes and rich parents. she could hear the whispers and the looks from people as she walked down the hall, as every single day consisted of.

the girl kept her head down as she went to her locker, opening it.

"hey, you," a voice said. once she finished placing her books inside, she slammed the door shut and became face to face with the boy she'd just met.

"may i help you?" she asked as a smirk spread across his face.

"it's fate that we meet again," he joked, crossing his arms and leaning his body against the locker next to hers.

nari furrowed her eyebrows, "we coincidentally have the same lunch, weirdo."

"coincidence is just another word for fate. you're eating with me and my friends, come on."

nari had no time to protest when he grabbed onto her wrist and pulled her down the halls. now people were really staring. one of the popular boys dragging around a random outcast, quite the sight to see.

nari pulled her dark hair from behind her ears at a lame attempt to cover up her face from the attention, and the boy was quick to notice.

"you can all turn your asses around, and mind your business! for once in your lives!" he announced. the halls went silent, and everyone slowly went back to walking to class or having their own conversations.

nari wanted to crawl up in a hole forever.

"what?" he asked, seeing her annoyed expression, "i took care of it."

the girl glared at him and continued walking to the lunchroom.

"so," the boy started, "how come i've never heard of you before? you got a dark past, or what? oh! i just realized i never introduced myself, i'm na jaemin, by the way."

nari stayed silent for a few seconds before letting out a snicker, "no shit. everyone knows who you are. don't be so humble." she picked up a tray and handed it to jaemin, then picking up one for herself.

"wrong, everyone knows my name. not me. two different things."

she hummed in response and picked up food for herself, placing it on her tray.

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