ch. 3

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Lunch time finally rolled around and I head over to the 'Sign Up Wall.' That wall is very important to me right now. I'm literally depending on this board to save my life.

I'm a few feet away from the most beautiful place of my life before I get stopped by the one and only Gabe.

"Fuck, Gabe you scared me!" I whisper-scream.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to," He laughs.

"What do you want?"

"Well, I was gonna ask you when we were walking to class but, I'm throwing this party at my house. I was wondering if you wanted to go," He tells me.

"And why are you inviting me?" I ask coldly.

"I just wanted to be nice, jeez," Gabe puts his hands up in defense.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask him, more calmly than last time.

"Look after that rumor, I felt really bad and I just wanna make it up to you," He sighs. I want to pretend that I don't know what rumor he's talking about, but I do.

"I appreciate the pity party you're throwing but I'm not going."

"Ugh, I'm making an effort here. Can you too?" He puts a hand on my shoulder which causes a shiver down my spine.

I nod as he smiles and walks away. "Wear something sexy," he whispers in my ear.

"What if I don't have anything sexy?" I would ask him, but that's just too embarrassing.

I still head over to the Sign up Wall and put my name on every single one, even Mathletes and I suck at math!

I see the words "Sign Up for Buckneer Cheer!" I gulp as I write my name on the line, Leila Fields.

Since I have a bit more time before Lunch period ends, I get my school journal out and write.

Dear Diary,

Today, Gabe talked to me about 'the rumor.' The rumor that ruined my world. Ruined everything I had.

It all started in my sophomore year of high school. All my friends were guys because girls bring too much drama.

A few months after the beginning of the year, a rumor floated. It floated very quickly, a little too quickly.

It was about me. And it was how I slept with every one of my guy friends. All of them knew I didn't sleep with themselves, but they still thought I slept with the rest. It really hurt because I thought they were my friends.

Once it spread throughout my whole school, it went throughout the town too. I lost respect in everyone and got a new nickname; Slut. I know for a fact that I didn't sleep with any of them. Yes, I'm still a virgin, but I guess people believe in rumors instead of the truth.

No boy would date me (I've only had one boyfriend), no one would be my friend, no one would accept me for who I am. It really hurts.

Still to this day I have no idea who started such a harsh lie. Everyone thinks of me as a joke. I've had to deal with that for two years. But I realize now, I need to make a change.

xoxo, Leila



I feel so bad for Leila!

If you didn't know, these characters are based on real people in real life! It's pretty cool to think about. ;)

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