ch. 5

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Dear Diary,

This morning I woke up with a feeling I've never had before. My head was pounding and I felt like shit. When I open my eyes I had a blurry vision. I tried to rub my eyes for the sensation to go away.

I also noticed that I was in my undergarments and that Aaron Simons was next to me, in his undergarments as well.

When I woke him up I asked him if we, you know, had sex. I honestly prayed so hard, hoping that I didn't lose my virginity drunk, and to a guy I didn't have feelings for. Maybe.

He told me that I said that I was tired and that I wanted to take my dress off. Now that made more sense.

That dress hurts. Beauty hurts.

Then Aaron told me that he usually sleeps in his underwear. If someone came into our room, they would probably get the wrong idea.

I've also noticed, ever since this diary, life has been getting better and better for me. God Bless this School Diary.

xoxo, Leila

I wrote that diary entree when Aaron went to use the bathroom. "I don't want to put that dress back on," I whine.

"Want to use my shirt?" He asks me.

I hesitate for a second, "Okay thank you." Aaron throws the shirt to my and I put it on.

Aaron has a 'thinner' body than most boys. It's not like he starved himself, he was just naturally born that way. I know this because I remember him using that topic for an essay.

He has a long torso. So, the shirt that he let me borrow is just an inch above my knee. "Wanna grab breakfast?" Aaron smiles.

"Sure," I smile back. He looks really nice without his shirt. Fuck. Snap out of it Leila.

He leads me downstairs to where I see Gabe and Daniel. And surprisingly, no other girl. "No luck this time boys?" Aaron smirks.

"Ah, but you managed to catch one," Gabe smirks.

His smirk fades quickly until he sees me. "Your catch was Slut?!" Daniel exclaims.

"Listen, I didn't 'catch' her. She just stayed the night since she was drunk as fuck," Aaron takes a seat next to the boys, with me following close behind.

"That doesn't explain why she's wearing your shirt." Daniel is very sassy. Wow.

"Her dress is very uncomfortable okay!" Aaron tenses up. I've also come to realize that Gabe hasn't been saying anything.

"But she's a slut! She could've fucked you in your sleep!" Daniel's voice rises.

"Mother Fucker!" I release my anger. "I never slept with any one of those boys!" I imply, since he used to be one of my friends that assumed I fucked the others. "I'm still a virgin and I have no fucking shame in that!" I close my mouth, realizing what I just said. Now, the most popular guys in school know that I'm a virgin. Is that better than being a slut? Of course it is! Leila's mind; shut up!

The three boys look at each other. Finally, Gabe says, "Your secret is safe with us."


Night time rolled by and for some odd reason it led me back to Gabe's house. Saturday night at Gabe's house.

Me and the three other boys make a circle around each other. "Let's play truth or dare," Daniel says.

"No," I say quickly. Everyone knows how this game can get. Someone could either be hooking up with someone else or being hooked up to an IVU.

"You're boring Leila. Have fun once it a while," Aaron winks at me.

"Fine," I gave into temptation. Bad idea.

"Gabe, let's start with you," Daniel says. "Truth or dare?"

"Truth, no actually, both," Gabe says sternly. Have I mentioned how fine he's looking today?

"Ugh, fine. Have you ever liked Leila before?" Daniel assumes he knows the answer.

"Uh, yeah," Gabe says quietly. My eyes widened as did Daniel's and Aaron's.

"Woah dude," Daniel says. "That's messed up."

"Lia I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable," He says. Aww, he cares about me.

"Dude! She's a reject how have you liked her?!" Daniel yells.

Everyone ignores his question. "No, I'm actually relieved because I used to have feelings for you too," I lie. I didn't 'used to' like him. I did like him. A lot.

"Oh shut up, every girl has liked Gabe before," Aaron says while Gabe blushes at the compliment.

"Okay now what's the dare?" Gabe asks Daniel.

"Oh you're gonna hate me when I tell you to do this one." Gabe gulps. "Play red light with Lia," Daniel smirks.

"You did not just," I say. Gabe shrugs and carries me bridal style and puts me on the couch.

"You don't have to do this if you don't want to," Gabe whispers into my hear. Goosebumps surfacing onto my skin while he says that.

"It's okay, it's just a dare," I say.

"Okay ready love birds?" Daniel asks. In the process I see Aaron tense up. What's that all about?

We both nod as Gabe places my hand on my inner thigh, farthest away from my 'area.' "Three, two one, GO!"

Gabe's hand slowly comes closer and closer. The feeling is killing me right now. It feels so wrong and right. I try my hardest not to say red light. I shut my eyes close. He's almost there when I say "Red light!" And I open my eyes.

I see that Gabe is smirking at me. "You're good," He winks at me.



So in my DMs you wanted some Gaila action. I asked you guys #Gaila or #Leion. You guys DMed saying Gaila and requested some 'smut?' I didn't really write smut because that just feels really uncomfortable to me. Haha, I'm sorry I'm lame.

This is probably the longest chapter so far, pretty proud of that.

Description of the game "Red Light":

Someone places their hand on the inner part of your thigh, farthest away from your area. After that, they person slowly moved their hand towards you. Once you can't handle it anymore, say RED LIGHT!

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