Chapter 13

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Before I update I just want to thank @rockin_emo_girlz for giving me the first comment ^.^ I know the thanks is long over do because I just saw it like five seconds ago. I don't get the whole therapy thing or how this will work so just bare with me!

Shealynn's POV

   I sighed and looked back at my phone. 'I'm sorry for over reacting Andy. I'll try the stupid therapy...-S' I texted him not wanting to talk to him face to face or on the phone. 'Really? You don't have to if you don't want to. I just wanted to make sure you are ok.-A' He replied. I smiled at his text and turned off my phone. My heart beat quickened in a bad way and I went up to the front desk. "Hi. I'm um Shealynn Simmone. I'm here to see Dr. uhhh Harper." i stuttered and the uptight receptionist looked up at me. i could see the judgement in her eyes that she failed to hide behind her stupid fake smile. "Just wait out here and I'll let her know you're here." She demanded of me and I quickly sat on one of the uncomfortable chairs. 'So far I do not like this one bit. Why am I doing this again?-Sh' I sent Saphira. I took another deep breath to help calm my nerves and my phone blinked. 'Because me and Andy think this will be good for you. Emphasis on ANDY!-S' She texted and I rolled my eyes. 'Yeah yeah yeah. So you keep reminding me...-Sh' i sent back and I glanced around. To my left was an adult sobbing on the phone so hard I couldn't make out a word she uttered. Across from me was a girl that glared at everyone like they destroyed the world. There was a stoic lady staring at a wall. The place had a lot more furniture then I guessed was used by the impecable state of it all.

   "Shealynn?" Asked a rather young woman. She had light red hair, blue eyes, and freckles that made her look young. She dressed rather casually and smiled warmly at me when I stood up. "Hello. I'm Dr.Harper. Call me Lindsey." She told me sweetly and shook my hand. Sje led me down a couple of halls until she finally stopped in front of a door and motioned me in. "So the information about why you are here was rather vague. What would you like to talk about? what made you decide to come to therapy?" She asked settling into a chair in front of a desk. The room was open and inviting in a sense that there were no cabnits or drawers. Almsost like there were no secrets. I cleared my throat. "My mom passed and I made some rather stupid desicions so this guy I really like told me I should consider therapy and when my bestfriend agreed with him I decided Why the hell not?" I said still vaguely. "Hmmmm. That's not the whole story now is it? I need you to open up more if you want me to help." She pressed and I nodded.

   I started again with how I met Andy and what me and my mom had been through. I went on to tell her of my moms death and what I did becau8se of it. I told her about the fight with Andy and how Saphira told me it was stupid. By the time I had finally finished I had cried yet again over everything. "Why would you think that Andy would think you are crazy?" She asked after a moment. "Therapy to me has always been crazy people talking to profesionals about their mental illnesses. I didn't want to be thought of like that. I especially didn't want Andy of all people to think I was an unstable lunatic." i explained. "But didn't he clear up that he only thought it would help you? he said himself that he did not think that you are crazy." She said and I nodded. "You said that Saphira helped you stop cutting before. Why did you start in the first place?" She continued. "I was having a rough time about my dad not being there to keep my mom in check and my mom was at her second worse point. Kids at school were being cruel and I wanted to destroy myself a little at a time. I thought if I were to be destroyed then at least it should be at my own hand. I felt unwanted and a waste of existance. Sometiomes doing what I did helped me feel a different kind of pain then emotional." I swallowed the lump in my throat. This is the most I have ever told anyone. I took me years to trust Saphira enough to tell her.  I stared hard at my tattered shoes. "What went through your mind when you saw your mother on the floor and when you cut?" Lindsey asked in almost a whisper. "Not much obviously. Mostly i was wondering how my mom could have left me in the mess she made. I thought of how i was an orphane and how I wanted the pain to go away. I wanted to feel something, anything, and I used cutting." I whispered and looked out the window. I looked at my phone and an hour had already passed. "I have to go. Our hour session is done." I informed her as I stood up and put my phone back in my pocket. "Of course. I'll schedual you for next week. Same time, same day." She said before clicking around on her computer. she finally led me out to the waiting room and I waved goodbye.

   I went back to my car and tuned it on. 'Where are you? Can you hang out?-S' I texted Andy. he almost iimediately replied with 'At the hotel. Yeah. Where should I meet you?-A' I smiled and told him I would just pick him up. Twenty minutes an anxious looking Andy climbed into the passenger seat and glanced at me. "How did it go?" He asked. "Better then I thought it would. I'm meeting her again next week." I told him. He smirked shyly at me. "Am I forgiven?" he asked. "For what?" I replied. "Making you think i thought you were crazy." He explained and I chuckled. "Of course. I can't stay mad at you long anyways." I told him whlie smiling at him. "Where are we going?" He asked smiling back at me. "I was thinking McDonalds since one, I'm hungry and two, no one in their right minds hates McDonalds." I said pulling into their parkinglot. "Health nuts don't like McDonalds." Andy reminded me. "Like I said. No one in their right minds." i joked and he put his arm around me.

   I smiled as Andy insisted on paying and buying our food while I sat at the booth like the lazy ass I was. i tried not to think about how my dad took me to this exact McDonalds when I was younger and I was failing miserably.  I yawned and stretched and decided to give in and take a trip down memory lane.

   "Daddy! Come up here and play with me!" Six yearc old me giggled. my piggy tails flopping around. "Sweetie. You know I'll get stuck up there!" He insisted smiling up at the window I was at. "Me and mommy will help you get un sticked! Right, mommy?" I turned to look at my young healthy mom. "Of course darling." She grinned at me. And I gave daddy an i told you so look. "Food is here. Why dont you come down and eat." Sugested my dad and I squealed. I grabbed my moms hand and draggedher down the slide. Once out I grabbed both their hands and raced to the booth before sliding in and taking out my toy. "Food first. you know the rules." Dad scolded me and i grinned before checking my burger for pickles. Like always i found one and stuck it to my dads cheek. "Perfect!" I told him before taking a huge bite of my food.

   I jumped when Andy slid into the seat across from me. "Whatcha thinking about?" He asked passing me my food. "How me and my parents would come here to this McDonalds." I said and smiled at him best i could. "Was it nice?" He asked hesitantly. "Yeah. I would always try to get my dad up onto the play place. They would always remind me to eat before I could have the toy. And I would always do this to my dad when he ordered wrong." I grinned and stuck a pickle i found in my burger on Andy's cheek. He widened his eyes and wiped off his cheek with a napkin before putting some ketchup on my nose. I wiped off the ketchup with a fry and ate it. "MMmmmm!" i mumbled while chewing and he rolled his eyes laughing. I grinned and we just sat there talking about random shit for an hour. Long after our food was finished we got up to leave and he held my hand as we drove back to the hotel.

   Instead of going there he dragged me to Saphira's and she greeted us. She dragged us inside and sat us down on the loveseat. "What's up?" I asked her as I stretched and got comfy leaning on Andy's shoulder. "Don't freka... but... Marissa and C.C. are now an official couple!" She squealed and I jumped up and down with her for the fun of it. "That's so cute!" I exclaimed and Andy laughed at my girlyness. "I know right! She texted me earlier and I was lik AAAHHHHH!" She yelled and I rolled my eyes. "ANywho, They are coming over with the rest of the guys." She told us and I nodded and went to get the alcohol,. "I wonder if we will ever get caught under age drinking?" I muttered to myself. "Only if we arent careful!" Marissa said behind me and i hugged her. I inspected a beautiful silver chain bracelet with two heart charms on it. "That is so pretty!" I told her and she nodded.

   i handed out alcohol this time and was the first one to take a sip. By the time my emotional stress was faded into almost oblivian I was piss drunk and Everything was a blur of giggling and talking. "Come one. You're too drunk. You need rest." Andy said. "You my friend are just not drunk enough!" I slurred attempting to walkin a straight line but ended up falling on my ass and giggling like mad. He rolled his eyes and picked me up. "You shall carry me for i am your Queen!" i hicupped. "Whatever you say your Majesty." Mocked Andy and I glared at him. He set me in the guest bedroom and i snugled under the sheets. "Your Queen orders yiou to stay so she is not so lonely." I mumbled closing my eyes and I felt him wrap his arms around me. "Speaking in third person now?" He asked already sleepy. "The Queen does as she wishes and it is on you to keep uop." i Said looking into his eyes. "Challenge excepted." He grumbled and I closed my eyes and drifted to drunken dreams.

I couldn't think of much else to put. Sorry if this chapter is confusing and/or un interesting. I'm in a bit of a writers block but if you have any ideas about the story you know how to reach me ^.^

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