Chapter 4

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   I woke up next to Saphira and Marissa the next morning with the hugest head ache and not knowing where I was. I looked around at them sleeping and went to find my phone. I opened doors remembering that I was at the black veil brides pent house thing. I found it in the bathroom and checked what time it was. It was 10 am so I was like WTF?! How did I get here??

   I tried to remember how I got there but I couldn't. That's when I started freaking. The last thing I could remember was truth or dare and that scared me because you know that drunk and truth or dare don't mix well!

   I went to the living room to find bvb sleeping in what looked like very uncomfortable positions. I saw Ashley and CC cuddling so I took a blackmail picture. One person I didn't see was Andy. He was probably outside smoking. I went back into the room where the girls where and woke them up.

   "Do you gust remember last night?" I asked.

  They both shook their heads. Fuck.

   I flopped into the bed freaking out about what could have happened.

   We heard Andy walk back in and from the yelps and protests it sounded like he was waking up the rest of them. We all walked into the living room to see them all sitting around rubbing their heads. Saphira and Marissa took the hanging chairs and I was forced to sit next to Andy. Not that I minded  too terribly bad. He glanced at me and then looked away quickly. I thought I saw him blush. Shit. What did I do this time. Fuck. Damn.

   Saphira was the one to speak up finally.

   "So umm we don't remember what happened last night. So we kinda want to know." She gestured at me and Marissa who nodded in agreement. I thought Andy looked relieved. Was it that bad?

   "Just normal game of drunk truth or dare." Jake said with a mischievous grin on his face. Me and Saphira glanced at each other worried.

   "Don't worry it's fine nothing major though I'm glad you don't remember who we dared to kiss." CC said happily.

   "Umm ok..." I said.

   "We also want skinny dipping." Ashley said nonchalantly. They all laughed at the horrified look on my face and Ashley said he was kidding. We decided to go to breakfast then we would call our parents. Saphira had tons of texts and calls from her mom.

   We settled for skipping school that day so we could all hang out to which no one objected. After a while Saphira and Marissa decided to go to the mall with jake and CC. Jinxx and Ashley went to go drinking again since they were the only ones up to it. That left me alone with the sexiest man like ever. Damn.

   Me and Andy decided to go for a walk so he could smoke. We ended up stoping at and empty park.

   "So what's your family life like?" Andy asked.

   "Well mom is a terrible roll model, don't got a dad and I'm an only child." I replied. "What about you?"

   "I live alone with the exception of my cat Thor." He said. "What about your mom why is she a bad roll model?"

   "Oh just because she's a whore and alcoholic and a drug addict is all." I answered.

   "Oh." He said sympathetically.

   "Yeah. Most people expect it to be worse and stuff cause the way I act but I'm glad I don't have it worse. I could be abused and bullied 24/7." I stated.

  He just nodded understanding. He finished his cigarette and we started talking about music and bands. We had a lot more in common then I thought. We like most of the same bands except some if the more soft stuff that I liked. Eventually we started arguing playfully about one of the bands I liked called Paramore.

   "It's not really rock!" He argued.

   "I don't care I'll call it what I want!" I replied smiling uncontrollably.

   "No you're supposed to listen to me remember ms.Fangirl!"

   "No I don't have to!"

   "This conversation is over. I win." He said looking away.

   "They are what I say they are." I whispered into his ear and he whipped his head around as I danced away singing When I Caught Myself and bad and as loud as I could.

   "Come back here!" He demanded chasing me smiling as I giggled. We raced around the playground and me being a fucktard tried to trip him but falling too. We rolled down a hill laughing. When we came to a stop he was on top of me staring into my eyes. I could've melted then and there into his perfect blue eyes. Then he started to lean down. I had a moment to think oh my fucking god before he kissed me. It felt so good. His lips moved with mine as I pulled him closer. The kiss was demanding. I tangled my free hand in his hair. I started getting light headed. He pulled away probably from lack of air. He got up and helped me up. I felt myself blush. He looked away. We brushed off the grass and dirt and headed back both deep in thought. I tried to figure out what to say but I couldn't think of anything that didn't sound totally stupid and cliché.

   We got back and sat on opposite sides of the room. We waited in awkward silence sometimes glancing at each other.

Andy's POV

   Ok dude calm down it was just a kiss. But it was a good kiss. A great kiss. But you know she is technically still a minor and it's illegal! I know I know. I sighed glancing at her again. She looked worried as she chewed her nails. She was really cute though. No dude stop. Just wait. Maybe her birthday is soon. I convinced myself still arguing with myself.

   I remembered last night when we were all drunk. It was so cheesy. Me and her went walking on a riverbank talking and laughing. For some reason he started chasing her. It was so fuzzy. He had caught her. He remembered being so surprised as she pressed her soft lips against his eagerly. He knew she wouldn't have done that with out the help of the alcohol. It was so nice. He backed her up against a tree not thinking. He broke the kiss and she laughed daring her to chase him. Her eyes light up when he did. They ran back and eventually slowed panting heavily. They started talking again. Finally they went back and went to sleep. He had been worried that she would remember and be grossed out or do something and whatnot. She came in embarrassed. He was relieved to hear she didn't remember.

   When Saphira Marissa jake and CC came in it snapped him out if his memories. They where laughing with even more bags of stuff from the stores. Jesus they were going to buy all their merch if they didn't slow down.

Shealynn POV

   They all came in giggling and flirting. Honestly it was cute. Then since it was 4 Saphira decided us girls should leave. I was relieved and glanced at Andy yet again he was looking at me too.

   We all gave them hugs and Saphira gave Jake a quick kiss which earned her a if-you-don't-tell-me-later-I-will-lick-you-in-the-face glance from me to which she smiled.

   On the way home se explained that they had split up and Jake kissed her and it was amazing so she kissed him. We all giggled at the thought of this new found couple. We teased her about how she had fangirled about him all the time. When they turned to me and asked how it had gone between me and Andy I said we walked and talked. I didn't tell them about the kiss though. I don't know why.

   We dropped Saphira off and went home. Mom wasn't home thankfully but she would probably come home later. Boo. The hours passed and I showed Marissa my favorite fan fiction stories and writers. She thankfully didn't think it was too weird that I read bvb fanfic.

   Hours passed and we drifted to sleep.

Ummmm yeah. So that happened... Um sorry about bad grammer and stuff but i wrote it on my Ipod and emailed it to myself and then posted it on here when i got the chance. And that is probably what i am going to do all the time so yeha.

Gotta Love Connections (An Andy Biersack Fanfiction) completedWhere stories live. Discover now