Sixty Six: Winter Has Come

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"Everything we've done, we've done together. We got here together, and we're still here. Things have happened, but it's always worked out for us, 'cause it's always been all of us. That's how I know. 'Cause as long as it's all of us, we can do anything."

-Rick Grimes, The Walking Dead, Season 6: Last Day on Earth

"Wait for You"

By: Alon Apollo (feat. nilu)


My hands ran through my hair for probably the thousandth time today as I struggled to find a solution to our spacing issue. Every day, more wolves arrived, seeking shelter and eager to train, murderous for Ravenna's blood. I had to find space for them all and so far we were already up to a thousand. A ragged sigh escaped my chest while I stared down at the map laid on our kitchen table, brushing a heavily blooming Azalea out of the way. Kore had overflowed the apartment with plants when she moved in, much to Elizabeth's distain.

Despite these minor annoyances, the three of us were settling in remarkably well here. Although our sleeping arrangement was a different story. Brushing the stray hair out of my eyes, I leaned over the table, my finger tracing all the way up to Ravenna's castle. The scars on my back served as an adequate reminder of what happens when you cross this particular monster. She was smart and cunning, driven by the belief that she was the supreme ruler of everything, or as I would say she's fucking nuts, but that's not very Queenly of me. I flipped off her kingdom and grumbled under my breath, a faint awareness of being watched tickling across my spine. My lips curled up and I turned to face her, bracing my butt against the edge of the table.

"Well hello there." My voice husky and she moved into the room, never saying a word.

Her eyes met mine and my breath caught all over again, remembering the day she bought me off of that stage. How naive I'd been, I mused to myself. She came to a stop in front of me, brushing her thumb over my cheekbone, deep and profound love in her molten gaze. Shivers fled down my spine when she moved her fingers to my waist, hoisting me onto the table with ease. I laughed, grasping her arms while I scooted back to balance myself.

"Hey." She said gently in my ear, placing her hands on my thighs as her hips wedged between mine. I hummed softly in pleasure, baring my neck to her. She leaned back, squeezing my legs gently, searching my face. An impatient sound escaped my throat and I wound my fingers in her hair and yanked her back down.

"You need it. Now drink."

It was an order, my voice wavering in anticipation for a fight, but she didn't disobey, her fangs sharp against my skin. I didn't jerk or cry out when she slid into me, a kaleidoscope of color and pleasure bursting behind my eyelids. I leaned my head back and moaned, hearing her growled response to bite down harder.

My eyes drifted open briefly, and my breath caught at the sight of Kore in the doorway, her arms crossed and eyes blazing as she watched us. A hint of apprehension slid down my spine but I shook it away, the heat between my thighs heightening to lava. I curled my fingers in Elizabeth's hair and rolled my hips into her hand as she slid her fingers lower and lower, under my pants, tearing away the little bit of lace that somehow qualified as a thong. High on the feeling of Elizabeth feeding from me, my eyes fluttered closed again, feeling nothing but pleasure as warm blood ran down my chest and back. For all their power, blood and bodies seemed to be their weakness.

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