Twelve: Bleed

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"And if anyone would harm them, fire pours from their mouth and consumes their foes. If anyone would harm them, this is how he is doomed to be killed."

-Revelation 11:5

Years & Years By: Olly Murs

"What have you done Elizabeth?" Elijah growled hoarsely as he massaged the damaged skin of his neck, the thick scarring of his face bunched as he sneered, his eyes narrowing onto his sister before switching to the unconscious and exhausted girl in her arms. Rage boiled just beneath the surface of Elizabeth's skin as she tightened her hold, her chest vibrating in warning. "What have you done to her?" His accusatory quip and the bristling horror underlying his voice nearly sent her over the edge. Though quite a bit older than her chosen, Elizabeth would never take advantage of her. And even though twenty was but a flash in the eyes of an immortal vampire, they were both consenting adults. Her fangs ached as they pressed against her lips, a low hiss escaping as she voiced her offense at his tone.

"Do not look at me as though I am a predator. She is a consenting adult Elijah, and my mate. I would never harm her." Her jaw tightened as his angry gaze fell to her back, an unreadable emotion flashing across his eyes.

"You know I didn't have a choice."

"Oh for the love of god." Camille suddenly exploded, having worked free of the tape across her mouth. The cuffs around her wrists and ankles snapped effortlessly as she stood and threw her arms into the air. Elizabeth tensed and a threatening growl rolled through room, the sound almost wolf-like. Camille stuck a manicured finger in Elizabeth's face, her lips twisting into a snarl. " What is so special about this girl? Forgive me for my impatience, but I've sat here for the last day and a half praying that Elizabeth would change her mind and tear my head off so I wouldn't have to listen to either of you bitch and make decisions for the poor girl, right in front of her might I add, for another second. I have allowed myself to be bound because I trust that your scelta will keep her promise. But she owes me a favor and I will collect it. In the mean time, I suggest you both figure your shit out before that girl wakes up or god forbid her father and a kingdom of wolves break down the door."

Stepping back with a huff, she crossed her arms and leaned against the wall adjacent to the fireplace. Elizabeth tightened her hold on Azalea and pinned Elijah with a hard stare, warning him to not give anything away. But her foolish brother was anything but cowardly as he sneered back. "The reason she is so special dear sister, is due to the fact that her very blood holds the cure to vampirism. Their bond has even cured Elizabeth's blindness."

"You fool." Elizabeth's power was a living breathing serpent as it slithered around their necks, cutting off their air with the pressure of it. Though her anger was swift and relentless, her grasp on the girl remained gentle. "You had no right." She spat, trying with all her might to rein back her power.

"Is this true?" Camille pressed a hand to her mouth, her lips trembling. The three royal siblings had never really gotten along, but there was no little joy in knowing their sister had her sight back. Camille's gaze was bright with elation. A heavy sigh escaped Elizabeth's mouth as she glanced down at the warm body in her arms, a soft smile tilting her lips despite the seriousness of the situation. Her fingers stroked the bare skin of her arm, reveling in the tiny little sparks of pleasure at her touch. "When she is near, I can see. But the second she leaves the vicinity, my sight is gone again. As for her blood, yes it is true. Do not push her for information when she wakes. How she came about her power is not a pleasant story." Her fingers continued to gently stroke along Azalea's pale skin, and an answering moan of contentment spurred the girl further into her arms. "She has been through so much pain, unimaginable pain, Camille. Pain that would've destroyed a lesser soul. You both must understand that I have no interest in the throne after I remove our mother from it. Azalea deserves a life of peace and contentment and I will give it to her."

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