Thirty Two: The Alpha

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TW: Sexual assault is mentioned in this chapter, please do not read if you are uncomfortable with this topic!

TW: Sexual assault is mentioned in this chapter, please do not read if you are uncomfortable with this topic!

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Bleeding Out By: Imagine Dragons


Fire on Fire By: Sam Smith

My arrow hit just to the side of the center of the target and my irritation sparked into the first hint of frustration. I fought the urge to snap my weapon in half and sucked in a deep breath, lining up another arrow. The fletching tickled my cheek but I was pleased as I released my breath, the next strike landing true and embedding deep within the center ring of the target. A frown pulled at my sweat soaked face as I pulled the shaft free, noting the split in the arrowhead and cursing when the metal sliced into the meat of my thumb, drawing blood. I cursed and stuck the aching digit into my mouth, contemplating how I'd have to make more arrows soon, especially with the upcoming plans we were setting into motion.

"You have grown lazy, my queen. I could've made that shot in my sleep." Emilee casually quipped from her languid position in the tree when I moved to snatch my quiver, stuffing the ruined arrow inside.

"Do not test me today." I warned, a snarl hovering in my throat at her indifference to my title, tipping my head forward just enough to let my crown catch the light. I'd left my hair loose today, letting the bulk of it rest over my shoulder and in the sun the soft strands almost glowed silver. Lowering my bow, I stalked over to my mouthy Beta, tossing my weapon and quiver at her with barely contained annoyance. She caught it with minimal effort and as she was cleaning her nails with her knife, which only infuriated me more knowing I could never catch her off guard.

We'd been out in the meadow since early dawn, but until now I hadn't realized how much I had needed this type of normalcy, and the feeling of a weapon in my hand. It did me much good to remind myself that I was not to be locked away in the catacombs my entire reign.

"Get off your ass. We have a mating ceremony to plan." I snapped, winding my hair into a bun at the back of my neck. Her footsteps kept in pace with mine as we wove through the trees.

"I am sensing some hostility, your highness. Aren't these occasions supposed to be joyous?"

"It would be joyous if I didn't have a murderous tyrant intent on making my life a living hell, and a mate with the soul of a goddess inside her." My voice was cold and guttural as a bit of Alpha leaked through. One of these days I would have to accept that my life was never going to be normal.

But today was not that day.

Wisely for her sake, Emilee kept silent the rest of the way back.

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