Twenty Eight: To Die For

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"My soul is a black maelstrom, a great madness spinning about a vacuum, the swirling of a vast ocean around a hole in the void, and in the waters, more like whirlwinds than waters, float images of all I ever saw or heard in the world: houses, faces, books, boxes, snatches of music and fragments of voices, all caught up in a sinister, bottomless whirlpool."

-Fernando Pessoa (The Book of Disquiet)

Silence By: Grace Carter


Midnight By: Alesso (feat. Liam Payne)

I moaned with pleasure as Elizabeth worked her lips across my neck, the barely there kisses driving me mad. Desperate for more of her, I arched my back, sinking into the soft the furs lining my bed and the heat of her body. My fingers inched to roam her skin but she had my wrists pinned above my head so I could only endure whatever she had planned for me. Our bond was fully open now and our emotions intermingled, her pleasure at the sounds my body subconsciously made at her expense drowning out everything else. I shivered as the fingers of her free hand leisurely made their way to the apex of my thighs, dipping into the aching bundle of nerves there, the scent of arousal thick in the darkened room. Her fangs slid into my neck the same time her fingers slid into me, my body immediately moving to meet the rhythm of her fingers even as the ecstasy of her bite clouded my mind in a haze of passion.

I jerked as she abruptly slid her fangs free from my neck, trailing her tongue over the wounds to close them. My body was on fire when she finally released my wrists to slide down my body, her fingers gripping my hip tightly. My body protested as she slid her fingers free but I didn't have long to dwell on it before she replaced them with her mouth, hooking her arms underneath my thighs and hauling me closer. My nails bit into the furs as her mouth wrapped around my clit, stars bursting behind my eyes when she sucked mercilessly on the sensitive flesh, her grip unforgivingly tight and I gasped and jerked, overwhelmed by sensation.

I was suddenly glad my room was the farthest from anyone else's, because I couldn't hold back the sounds building in my throat any longer as her rough tongue slid through my folds, brushing my clit. My hips threatened to lift off of the bed, a cry of pleasure-pain ripping free of my throat along with a blinding flash of ecstasy. As the haze faded slightly, I could feel her lips curve into a sly smile when she realized that this was a particularly pleasurable feeling.

"Elizabeth." I pleaded, for what I didn't know, but my hips ached to move, the fire in my belly roaring into an angry inferno.

She seemed to know exactly what I wanted, burying her face further into the apex of my thighs, repeating those sensations once, twice, and three times in rapid succession, hardly leaving time for my body to catch up. Time seemed to stall as I fell over the edge, barely able to remember my name as wave after wave of pleasure washed over me. If I had expected her to stop, I was sorely mistaken as her movements increased, driving my body over the edge once more. I cried out as the second orgasm hit, the sound fading into hoarseness.

My limbs trembled at the force of my release, my hips jerking back from her even as she pulled me closer, sucking up every last drop. My mind and body felt like jelly when she finally pulled away and crawled back to my body, pulling me into her arms. The air around us practically bled sex and I groaned in embarrassment, knowing every wolf passing by this side of the mountain would be more than aware of what we'd just done. A low chuckle vibrated through me, her elation reaching my mind a second later.

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