Chapter 5: A Trip To Germany

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One week after the incident..

Now that you think about it... I don't really know that guy's name.. But I keep talking to him. If we're to see each other later, I will ask for his name..


As I walk through the hallway.. I saw Echizen waiting near the front door of my class...

"Echizen, what are you doing here? You'll be late for class if you don't hurry back.."

"Megumi-senpai! I have a problem.." Echizen said with a worried face.

"What is it?"

"Our Captain is---!"

I came to the tennis clubhouse, running...
Gasping for breath.. I shout "Tezuka-buchou!!"
Then one of the tennis club's member with a bandana on his head enter the clubhouse and said "he's not here. He's with ryuuzaki-sensei.." After what he just told me. My legs move on it's own and run..

While running to ryuuzaki-sensei's classroom.. A thought just flew in my mind..
-What am I doing this for? Do I get any merit from doing this? No! This is for echizen's and the whole team's sake..

(Already reached ryuuzaki-sensei's room)

I reach for the knob of the door. Open the door and saw Tezuka-buchou's sleeping on the sensei's desk..
I slowly walk to him..
To see his sleeping face like this.. It seems like he's been pushing himself to handle all the work.


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