Chapter 7

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I want to see some commemorative items left behind when we were in love…

Zhu Qingan recalled the man’s words silently in his heart.

Fake lover Zhu Qingan: “…”

Where did they come from? ? No, they have never been in a relationship before.
Of course Zhu Qingan would not tell the truth, nor could he find anything to show Qin Hengyi.

He frowned and became distressed.
When the boy was depressed, his pitiful breath became heavier. The corners of his eyes were stained with a few seductive blushes, and his cheeks were so red that they were tender and tender, with a hint of shyness.

He couldn’t think of a reason, so he could only find an excuse to justify: “Mr. Qin, it may take a long time to find and find those things… You have to wait a long time.”

He couldn’t help lowering his head and clenching the corners of his shirt. This kind of action became evasive and shy in the eyes of men.

Sure enough… shy?

Sorry to agree to such a sweet request positively?

Qin Hengyi thought.

Qin Hengyi: “It’s okay, I’m willing to wait.”

Zhu Qingan, who thought the other party would say yes, “…”

“That, then thank you Mr. Qin for waiting…” Zhu Qingan huffed, his soft voice can easily make people mistakenly think he is shy.
“But what do you do?” Qin Hengyi said quietly: “You can tell this.”

Don’t be so shy that you wouldn’t even tell yourself this.

Zhu Qingan: “…………”

He wasn’t sure that even the concept of “love” required him to explain the paper man, whether he understood “stray animal base” and “entertainment group performance”.

Moreover, he does not have a stable and clear job, so it must be vague.

Zhu Qingan thought for a while, and decided to confuse the past.

“Ah…?” The boy’s cheeks were even redder, and the earlobes hidden by the black hair were red like strawberry gummies. He hesitated, “I… my job… Mr. Qin, I…”
It’s really so shy…Qin Hengyi raised his eyebrows, and interrupted the boy’s hesitating words: “Okay, when are you feeling relieved, tell me. In addition, the memorial of our previous love, you Find it slowly, not in a hurry.”

The boy was so shy that Qin Hengyi had to stop him in time and relieve him. Otherwise, he would be shy and shrunk into a soft ball.

Even talking to myself about a job is so shy…

It’s really a kid.

Do you feel that your work is too useless, afraid that you will be rejected if you say it? Or is it because the work is too dangerous and you are afraid of making lovers feel insecure?

Qin Hengyi chuckled softly in his heart, his dark red eyes cleared a little.

Zhu Qingan comforted the man and was finally able to quit the game.

The “memory fragments” he almost exchanged for the first kiss have been completely forgotten by him.

He still doesn’t know why the game will send him a star flower.

Zhu Qingan was sitting on the sofa, holding up the box with starry sky flowers and looking left and right, hoping to find some signs.

There is a line of small print under the box.

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