Chapter 29

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After the Starlight Singing Competition, fans have been obsessed with Zhu Qingan’s singing, and slapped on Weibo to ask him to sing again.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Qingan not only fulfilled the fans' desire to release a new song, but also a song that sang with others.

It was with a male.

——A little star like Zhu Qingan’s age will have some romance news. But Zhu Qingan couldn’t pick up any romance scandal.
But… the Emperor Star Express, the luxury team, the exquisite dresses that he receives from time to time… people have to guess that he may have a very strong backing.

The person who can sing a song with Zhu Qingan is very likely to be his legendary backing!

As soon as Weibo was released, the downloads of Zhu Qingan and Little Mermaid’s songs broke 10 million in an instant.

After the time for a song has passed, the blank comment area has a lot of comments.

Zhu Qingan didn’t react a bit. He thought that he, who hadn’t posted on Weibo for a long time, would be coldly treated by netizens. did not expect…

His eyebrows were bent, and a warm joy filled his heart.


The song of the little mermaid will definitely be liked by many people.
The result was not what Zhu Qingan expected.

As a teenager, Qin Hengyi’s voice is still deep and sexy, but with a somewhat ethereal and mysterious youthfulness, coupled with the gift of mermaid identity, the voice is not generally pleasant.

Zhu Qingan, who accompanied Qin Hengyi to sing, was driven by the magic of mermaid singing, and his voice seemed to be better than before. ——His milk sound is very soft and clear, warm, and can melt everything in the world into a pool of soft water at any time.

“I want to prove to you the greatest love in the world……"

“Even if it is difficult……”

Their voices combined unexpectedly, mysterious and deep. In addition, the background sound is the brilliant and quiet sound of ocean waves. The waves hit the soft sand, and the rustling sounds seem to make people smell the fresh ocean, or think of the deep and dark ocean.

The lyrics are still written in ancient earth language. Since Zhu Qingan sang in the ancient earth language in the audition, setting a precedent in the singing world, more and more artists have tried to sing in the ancient language.

But no matter how many times those artists have released songs in ancient languages, they are not as good as Zhu Qingan’s. In this new song, it was even blown out——

Sing so good! !

It makes your legs feel soft!

[Oh! What a fairy voice! The voices of both people are so good! 】

[Ears are pregnant wailing! QAQ】

[Unexpectedly the ancient earth language is so beautiful…]

[I really want to know who is singing with An An! ! 】

[I bet the person who sings with An An must be a big man in the singing world! sounds amazing! ! 】

Zhu Qingan’s fingers trembled lightly, sliding the comment area slowly to check. His hand holding Guangnao was a bit hot, and he subconsciously ignored the comments made by netizens on him, and his eyes were full of praise for the little mermaid.

The corners of his lips rose more and more.
That… lonely gloomy boy, would he be happy to see these?

Inadvertently, Zhu Qingan saw some netizens guessing whether the teenager who sang with him was his lover.

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