Chapter 43

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In the clear night sky shining with stars, with a muffled sound, a bunch of fiery red fireworks bloomed, and the colorful streamer appeared, like a large nebula with countless stars, hitting the sky overwhelmingly.

The bright five-color light spots slowly interweave into several big characters that can illuminate the earth at the end.

——Mr. Qin, I like you!

A small red Q version of love is painted behind this sentence.

It looks very romantic.

Like a pure and persistent child’s confession to the one he loves.

When Zhu Qingan caught a glimpse of these words as big as the sky, his head went blank.

The live broadcast equipment behind him quietly recorded all this.

The little puppet sitting on a rock next to it obediently looked at the big characters.
Presumably, the hundreds of millions of fans and Qin Hengyi also saw this scene.
…The places illuminated by the fireworks, the small towns under the mountain, and the people on the mountain…you can see it.

Zhu Qingan’s entire portrait jumped into the strawberry jam, a crimson blush.

Without even thinking about it, he turned off the live broadcast equipment for the first time.

This bunch of fireworks should have been placed in the game scene! But it was accidentally released in reality!

In order to make his lover’s personal design more perfect, in addition to making this firework, he damnly enlarged the firework text continuously and set it to the most conspicuous and romantic red, and the text stayed in the air for much longer than ordinary fireworks.

Qin Hengyi must have felt Zhu Qingan’s deep admiration for herself. Dare to confess in front of 300 million people, the degree of love is not ordinary.

But Zhu Qingan also jumped into the fire pit he dug.

Zhu Qingan did not dare to turn on the live broadcast equipment and did not dare to see how his fans reacted.

He lowered his head, like a peekaboo little hamster, picked up the firework box and live broadcast equipment, and stuffed the puppet into his pocket. Then quietly followed the path and slipped back to the base.

If he met other people on the top of the mountain, he would definitely be ashamed to death.

Those people must have seen their own fireworks.

Zhu Qingan returned to the base.

He was going to take a cold shower to calm himself down.

When he took off his coat, a small object snapped out of his pocket. It’s his little puppet.

Zhu Qingan frowned and picked up the puppet.

The little puppet was sitting on a rock on the top of the hill, the cloth of the little tuxedo was stained with mud, and his cheeks were a little gray.

Zhu Qingan subconsciously wanted to take the puppet into the bathroom and take a bath with herself.

But he remembered something, and instantly dispelled the idea.

He poked the puppet in the head.
“Mr. Qin? Are you looking at me?” He asked quietly.

He certainly doesn’t have the courage to enter the game now.

Qin Hengyi must have seen his vigorous confession to him. Zhu Qingan could decide what he would do under this excitement.

If Zhu Qingan is dating a normal lover, Zhu Qingan may not be able to get out of bed now.

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