Chapter 22

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The ten-level gods in the game “Jedi” are not generally difficult to practice. At present, the most powerful player is only at level 9. That ninth-level e-sports player, who practiced day and night, failed to break through the tenth level.

According to official statistics of the game, no one has reached the current level of ten players.

Therefore, the tenth level is regarded as a “non-existent legend” by the players. A level that can never be achieved, and there will be no level ten players.

–but now.

A player with a level of “tenth” miraculously appeared in front of millions of spectators sitting there.

What he said “shut up” was clearly to Du Ming.

He is Zhu Qingan’s teammate and can’t see Zhu Qingan being bullied.

After the man’s magnetically sexy voice disappeared, the audience suddenly fell silent. Du Ming was silent for a while, and saw the shining “Tenth Level”, the whole person fell into an awkward situation, his body was as cold as falling into an ice cellar.

Du Ming was still thinking about Zhu Qingan’s teammates in the first half second. Coupled with the previous events, he was so overwhelmed that he would be so ironic about each other…

But he didn’t expect that the opponent not only has teammates, but also all gamers, including the “tenth-level” god whom Du Ming dreams of.

Less than two seconds.

The barrage exploded.

[Ahhhhh! ! What did I see! For a lifetime! I saw a tenth-level god! I passed out! 】

[Crazy crazy! Ten-level legendary god! It really appeared! Wuwu is still a male god with a huge voice! 】

[An An is so happy! ! With such teammates, teammates will protect others aggressively! 】

[Ha ha ha, Du Ming was beaten in the face, right? An An is very powerful. 】

[Overbearing my An An teammate! Not many people are ruthless! 】

[Tenth-level god? ? ? ? 】

Zhu Qingan was also stunned.

His teacher, here comes?

Zhu Qingan took advantage of Du Ming’s silence, clarified his thoughts, and explained the incident a little while ago: “Du Ming said that I came to the competition because I couldn’t mix in the entertainment industry. I want to clarify.
I am in the entertainment industry and mix well. I took first place in the Starlight Singing Draft a few days ago. I suddenly participated in the competition because of the temporary arrangement of the company.

I don’t know how to play this game, but it won’t cause you trouble.

Thank you for the support of the audience and my teammates. "

Zhu Qingan’s voice is also not inferior to his teammates, his words are clear and gentle. But two people have two completely different styles, but they have an inexplicable CP feeling when they are together.

–Game start.

Zhu Qingan didn’t understand this game, so he could only follow his teacher honestly.

Seeing from the face of the tenth-level god, other players didn’t dare to treat Zhu Qingan, and didn’t even dare to snatch his weapon. For fear that his teammates will come back and win the blood every second.

But even if they were cautious about the tenth-level great god and Zhu Qingan, the tenth-level great god still showed no mercy, was ruthless and didn’t talk much, so they simply took down their blood bars and supplies neatly.

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