Chapter 16

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celebrity singers collectively when things are all right, which is equivalent to giving them a support.

Among them is Zhu Qingan.

Weibo dinged, and Zhu Qingan sent another message.

Zhu Qingan V: [I will participate in the singing audition soon. I want to sing this song, but I don’t know how good I am. Can you give me some pointers? It doesn’t matter if you don’t have time. 】

Y u NZ Hi also: “…”

He was too old and his thoughts could not keep up with the trend, which caused him to be gradually buried in the music scene. This is also the reason why no one has ever looked for him as a master, even if his skills are really good.

But… he was a little surprised this time, this little star who had never met him would choose to let himself be a guide.

Yun Zhiye clicked on the music package sent by the other party.


A very young and gentle voice of a teenager came from it leisurely, with ancient and mysterious lyrics, like a breeze blowing from a distant valley, floating in Yun Zhiye’s ears.

Complete the song.

Yun Zhiye couldn’t help but click the loop to play.

The boy’s voice is not only nice, but the lyrics in it also make Yun Zhiye’s heart restless.

The lyrics are very familiar.

Songs from the ancient earth have long been lost in human interstellar migration.
Nowadays, songs composed in ancient earth languages ​​are even rarer.

Most young people nowadays don’t recognize this kind of song.

The only person I can know is Yun Zhiye, an old man in his twilight years.

Yun Zhiye closed his eyes and listened carefully to the boy’s singing. Shaoyoung hummed softly like a feather, sweeping his heart, leaving a touch of icing sugar.

——The youthful and clean voice is enough to participate in the draft.

He didn’t know how those young people would react when they heard songs sung in this language. But the moment he spoke, the long silent heart throbbed suddenly.
He seems to have returned to the ancient earth that his parents said, the world of lush foliage and spring flowers.

Yun Zhiye was so excited that he forgot to reply Zhu Qingan. He downloaded the music package and jumped to the communication software.

He has a group of very good old friends who are involved in various fields. He is as old as he is and has also heard the story of the ancient earth.

He uploaded the music package to the communication group.

[Yun Zhiye: I met a child on Weibo, and the song he sang was in ancient earth language… I didn’t expect that there are still young people willing to sing this kind of song, which is great. 】

——After two minutes.

The communication group exploded
[Lao Yun, thank you for recommending this song, it’s so nice! 】

[A bit want to cry, reminds me of my mother who died on the ancient earth. 】

[Slightly touched, there are people singing this kind of song, support! 】

[What’s the name of the young man singing this song? 】

Yun Zhiye suddenly remembered that he only paid attention to the song, forgetting that the singer was still waiting for him to give pointers——

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