Extra 9

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Among the vampire family, it is quite normal for two people to do that kind of thing. It is like sleeping with blood sucking, so you don’t have to worry about anyone’s eyes. As long as the interest comes and you see the right person, you can make a shot on any occasion. It doesn’t matter whether you know that person or not.

Vampires don’t have the so-called shame of humans.

And the rumor that a drop of j is worth ten drops of blood is true. If many vampires don’t like to suck blood, most of them can choose to eat the kind of liquid mentioned above. One mouthful is worth ten mouthfuls of blood. You can drink it in two places. It’s just a little troublesome.

When he heard Qin Hengyi’s words, he pulled the corners of his mouth with embarrassment.

The man with the clown mask beside him exclaimed with excitement, “This sir! You are simply the chosen one! You are so fortunate to be able to eat—” The latter words, because of the discord, were blocked by the game system, Zhu Qingan only listened. There was a busy tone.
In this case, Zhu Qingan is still ashamed to explode.

Behind him is a large group of vampires. They all stared at him with warm eyes, wanting to see his reaction.


The fair young man lowered his head, his frowning brows seemed a bit wronged, and his shiny black eyes were covered with mist. But it seems that he looks more cute and delicious. Many vampire men have come up with the idea of ​​inviting him and himself to “eat”.

But this boy already belongs to Mr. Qin Hengyi.

The masked clown man continued excitedly: “We will arrange a suitable bedroom right now! Please wait for the two gentlemen!”

Zhu Qingan: “…………”

No, he doesn’t want to, he doesn’t want to.
The blond man who had been sitting quietly on the seat suddenly stood up, came to Zhu Qingan’s side, and touched the soft black hair of the other party inexplicably.

This familiar action…

Zhu Qingan was taken aback suddenly, and the whole person froze.

The temperament of Qin Hengyi who has become a vampire is completely different from the past. The icy red eyes are full of deterrence, the facial features are cold, and the body exudes an uncomfortable aura.

His fingers without any temperature gently brushed the corner of Zhu Qingan’s clothes.
He leaned over and sniffed the breath on the boy’s clothes.


The man paused, his pupils shrank.

He didn’t smell the breath of vampire.

On the contrary, he smelled the fresh and attractive blood smell unique to human beings. Full of vitality, like a flower about to bud.

The man narrowed his red eyes and raised the corners of his lips interestingly.

It seems that this is a little human teenager who accidentally broke into the world of vampires.


he likes.

The teenager still didn’t feel the danger, but was nervously gripping his clothes. His face was so red that it was like a peach that was about to ripen.


Too simple.

The man couldn’t help laughing in a low voice, the laughter was sexy and hoarse, full of unknown meaning.

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