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She watched it. She watched as the clouds slowly fading away while the moon is now shining brightly.

The girl in a black t-shirt staring at it waiting for it to speak something inspirational. Something that can make her move. Something that would make her stand up and do the things she ought to do. But none of it happened. The moon instead was, eventually, covered by the thick black clouds. Slowly surrendering to the darkness. That disappoints her. It's like hope is being succumbed to which made her even more hopeless.

She sighed then and went down to her room because she was there at the rooftop of the house she was renting. The disappointment was written on her face as she descended. Maybe not today. She muttered to herself. But when?

By the time she reached the doorknob, she hesitated for a moment. What if she didn't wait for enough? What if she needs more patience? Should she get back? These are the questions she asked herself. But she did twist it anyway. She, then, lied on the bed, sighed once more before she went to the land of dreams.

Little did she know, the clouds slowly went away from the moon. Its light illuminated the world once again. It's true, light will always win from the darkness. There are just seasons that life seems dark, hopeless, or depressing. But it's just a season, it's not permanent.

What she had and hadn't seen can be put to words. It's a beautiful metaphoric event. But neither she would understand nor the billions of people living on Earth when their hearts and minds are close.

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