Chapter 1 - Another boring day.

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[ Monday 14th March 2021 7:53am]

^ No one's POV^

Marinette's day started with Tikki shouting in her ear "wake up Marinette you are going to be late!!!" Marinette replied with a simple "OK". 

^Marinette's POV^

"wake up Marinette you are going to be late!!!"Tikki screamed in my ear. I couldn't understand why they made us go to school so early in the morning. I was to tired to say anything so i replied with a simple "OK". After that, Tikki just went to snack on a cookie from the stash that i left for her. I checked my alarm clock and sprang out of bed. It was 7:55 AM. "TIKKI," I screamed "I HAVE 5 MINUTES!". "Well, I have been trying to wake you up for the past half an hour, but once you fall asleep you never wake up." Explained Tikki. I guess she is right, last year I slept right through the whole day and got to school when it finished. No one was worried though, they know that I always do it.

I quickly got up to find my clothes, but my normal ones were in the wash so i had to quickly decide, I HAD 2 MINUTES! I chose some black leggings and a pink top saying PARIS on in big  silver writing, over that I wore a short black leather jacket with long sleeves. I thought I looked more like Julika today than my normal self. I had no time to do my hair so i left it down. 

As I ran towards the door, I grabbed a croissant and sprinted of towards the school, not knowing what surprises were waiting for me...

My first chapter I hope you like it  278 words (not counting this). Not bad for my first time!

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