Chapter 2 - At school.

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^Marinettes POV^

I got to school with seconds to spare. Everyone was already in the class so i walked in quietly. "Hey girl, slept in again, right?" Alya said greeting me with her usual friendly smile. " I hope you don't tomorrow though," She said jokingly. "What's so special about tomorrow?" Suprised by me she placed her hand on my fore head, pretending to check my temperature. " Are you ok Marinette?" she asked, this time more seriously. That's when it hit me.  "Ohhh," i said slowly. "It's my birthday tomorrow!". Wow, 15 years old already. It's a wonder how time goes very fast when you have a city to save. It was only 2 years ago when i was given my miraculous, and a few months ago since I became the guardian.

I guess Miss Bustier noticed my presence and told me to stay behind after class. Great. Just Great. Chloe smirked and turned back to Sabrina. who looked exhausted probably from doing both of their homework's. Lately, Chloe has been more rude to me since it's coming up to my birthday and everyone wants to throw a party, not a surprise one though. They don't want my grandma to get akumatized again. Speaking of akuma's I found that Hawkmoth never released. Yep, you heard me. Not a single one. What is he planning?...

Everyone was questioning me about my new look, Julika said its suits me. But what surprised me the most was that Adrien said I looked amazing! I was blushing so badly, i had to rinse my face of in cold water!

After the class went, I went to apologise to Miss Bustier, hoping i wasn't in serious trouble. To my surprise, she was smiling "I hope you don't come late to school tomorrow Marinette!" "Oh hehe, I won't" I left the class room curiously. I walked towards Alya, knowing that she wanted to hear what happened. "What did Miss say Marinette?" "Oh, she told me to come early, are you guys planning something?!" I thought they would be. "No, but we have got presents we want to give early in the morning" She replied, and with that we started walking down to the bakery for lunch.

[12:00 pm]

We got to the bakery and saw a long line of daily customers, we skipped past it and went up to my bedroom. I let out the kwami's from my ladybug miracle box and they eyed my plate of treats hungrily. "Help yourself" i said as i put the plate down and went towards my chaise and sat down with Alya and ate our Sandwiches. "Mmmmmm, delicious" Alya exclaimed. "I nodded with agreement. After we finished Alya made a group chat.

AlyaTheLadyblogger made The Group Chat 'Buddies'.

AlyaTheLadyblogger added M4r1n3tt3, DJNino, Adrien.A

AlyaTheLadyblogger: Hey Guyssssss!!!

DJNino: Yo Dudes and dudettes.

Adrien.A: Hello

M4r1n3tt3: h

M4r1n3tt3: I MEAN IH

M4r1n3tt3: I MEANT TO SAY HI

Adrien.A: Ok

AlyaTheLadyblogger: lol guys lets meet up at the park in 5 minutes.

Everyone: OK

DJNino: Adrien whT about ur Fatherr.

Adrien.A: My father allowed me so i'm coming


M4r1n3tt3: I mean that is good

Adrien.A: oK CYA.



509 words not including this part :D

Hope you enjoy it.

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