Chapter 6 -Marinette's birthday.

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No one's POV

Marinette woke up at 6:30 am, to her surprise. She looked at her calendar and saw it was her birthday! "I can't believe I am already 15!!" Tikki came over and gave her a present, followed by all the other kwamis. "Happy Birthday Marinette!" They all said in unison. "Thanks guys! I feel like today is going to be an amazing day!" Little did she know what surprises she would face.


Marinette's POV

I walked towards the mirror, I looked new, I looked different, I liked it! The Kwamis had picked out the clothes for me:  {Pretend its Marinette here}

I walked towards the mirror, I looked new, I looked different, I liked it! The Kwamis had picked out the clothes for me:  {Pretend its Marinette here}

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And Pollen helped me with my hair, she learnt some skills off Chloe, having stayed there for a bit watching her do her hair. My hair:

I said bye to the kwamis and Tikki flew into my purse

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I said bye to the kwamis and Tikki flew into my purse. I walked downstairs and was greeted by my parents with loads of hugs and Happy Birthdays! "Thanks mama and papa" I left walking out the house calmly and ate a chocolate croissant on the way.

At School

I walked into the classroom on time and was greeted by all my classmates "HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARINETTE!!!" Alya was shouting, I walked away from the crowd and sat with my bestie. "Wow, Marinette... you look different, It's amazing!" she screamed. "Thanks Alya!" She handed me a present and whispered "Open after school" she winked and watched the crowd coming to our desk. Miss Bustier came in and stopped them and gave me a smile. "Ok class, I can see you are excited it is marinettes birthday but I don't see why that's a reason to try and suffocate her!" The class all giggled, except for Chloe. "This is Ridiculous, Utterly Ridiculous, Why does Marinette get gifts from everyone and I don't" Chloe exclaimed.

Everyone ignored her and got on with their work. "Mari-trash" Chloe continued " Trying a new style," "Uhh, Chloe for once in your life be quiet!" Alya said, annoyed that she was hurting her best friend. "Mari trash it looks like you got your clothes from the garbage and as for your hair, it seems as though its a birds nest, you also don't deserve any of those presents and you are not a worthy fashion designer, you will never get my Adrikins, and i don't care how long you have had a crush on him but he is mine!" I couldn't help but let tears stream down my face, the class was staring in my direction. Alya stared in disbelief at Chloe. I couldn't see, my vision was blurry because of my tears. I tried to stop crying, but it only caused more pain. I stood up and shouted "I HATE YOU CHLOE BOURGEOIS!" I ran out the room, the last thing I saw that happened was Chloe covered in mud from head to toe. 

I didn't know what to do after that. I could run home? No that would get my parents worried. Oh no! What if they call home? I might as well go back in the class room. But first I will make a stop at the toilets. 

"Marinette, are you ok?!" Tikki was worried. "Yes, i just couldn't take it anymore, and it just got to me, I have to many secrets, which is making the weight I carry heavier. "But you lightened it by telling Alya" Tikki replied "Yes" I washed face to make it look as though I hadn't been crying, but all the class saw that. Thats when I noticed my hands were glowing red. "Tikki do you know anything about this?" I asked curiously. "Oh Marinette, I will tell you after school." My hands turned back to the normal colour as I calmed down, I decided it was time to head back to class. 

Meanwhile in class

Adrien's POV

I looked up and saw Chloe ranting like always, but this time it was more fierce and aimed at Marinette."Mari trash it looks like you got your clothes from the garbage and as for your hair, it seems as though its a birds nest, you also don't deserve any of those presents and you are not a worthy fashion designer, you will never get my Adrikins, and i don't care how long you have had a crush on him but he is mine!" S-she had a crush on me? I never knew, Marinette said she didn't. It looks as though Chloe wasn't lying about that though because Marinette looked at me when she said that last part. Her eyes were filled with tears, and they were streaming down her face. "I HATE YOU CHLOE BOURGEOIS!" Marinette screamed just before running out the classroom. Oh no, she might get akumatized. I was about to ask to go to the bathroom, when Chloe was covered in mud head to toe.

Chloe screamed. The class were taken aback but they didn't care. I was still trying to get over the shock that Marinette had a crush on me. I was going to ask Nino but then i thought that I should check on Marinette first. No one was allowed to go to the bathroom. Miss Bustier said that she would come back in her own time. I mumbled under my breath "yeah as a villain". My Princess needs me. Suddenly the door opened very slowly.

Marinette's POV

I opened the door slowly. very slowly. I looked up and saw the class staring at me. All their mouths were moving but the sound was muffled. I walked towards my desk and slid onto the seat. I slowly picked up my pen and started finishing off the work. Everyone was staring in disbelief. I ignored them. It will only make things worse, I thought, If i start talking. Chloe finally let one of my secrets out to. I love Adrien Agreste. I bet he thinks I am a creep now. Who likes Marinette Dupain-Cheng, the bakers daughter. "Marinette, Marinette, MARINETTE!!!" Alya whispered in my ear. "Yes?" I said back a bit aggressively.  wait why am I being aggressive to my BFF? Something in my mind is not right. "Marinette, are you feeling alright?" Alya asked gently. "Yes" I said a bit more softer. I looked up and looked around the class, and noticed Adrien staring at me. He probably thinks I am a weirdo now. I quickly look back down. He is still staring. Uhh what's his problem. The bell rings signalling Lunch, I walk to the cafeteria with Alya, and we both buy a plate of chips and a cookie. We both stick it in our purses for our Kwamis.

Adrien's POV

Poor Marinette, she is sat with Alya having lunch but they both seem very quiet, I see them both stick a cookie in their purses, Who does that? I decide to go sit with them, so i drag Nino along for Alya. "Okay, dude, lets sit with the dudettes then!" he says. 

"Hey Marinette!" I say. she looked up. Then back down. What is wrong with her. I will find out. Alya said "She hasn't talked since this morning, I don't think she wants to either" Oh i thought. My princess is upset but I will comfort her. After school. As chat noir. At least I found out why she was more open with Chat Noir though, because she had a crush on me!

I hoped this chapter was good. I ran out of ideas, hopefully you can prompt me on what to do next! 

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