Chapter 3 - At the Park

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^No one's POV^

Marinette and Alya set of to the park, and got there before the boys. Alya decided to trick marinette into confesing Adrien...

^Marinette's POV^

"Seriously Alya" I said. "Yes you need to confess, as soon as they come!" Alya replied. I can't believe it, it was a trick, she only said we should come to the park so that i would confess. "And I have got you a gift to give him!!!" "Alya!" I screamed. "This is going to far, he hasn't even said yes yet, wait, what if he rejects me?!" 

^Alya's POV^

"This is going to far, he hasn't even said yes yet, wait, what if he rejects me?!" Marinette screamed. I can't believe this girl. "Don't worry, the gist is only a bunch of flowers," I reassured her "Oh look Marinette, here they come!"

^Nino POV^

"Dude, why do you seem a bit.. Unusual?!" I asked curiously. Adrien was acting odd, he kept looking up on the roofs of the buildings we past and kept checking his watch every five minutes. "I... umm... w-was just checking the t-time, yes the time! I have to be home before 5:00pm" he replied, "Dude you have 1 hour chill out!"

^Adrien POV^

"Dude you have 1 hour chill out!" Nino was right. I have one hour. But I wanted to get there early. I wanted to spend time with Ladybug on Patrol. It has been nearly a month since we last fought an akuma together. "Oh look we are here!" Nino called out. We walked towards a nervous Marinette, and a very happy Alya. I wonder what's going on....

^Marinette's POV^

I could tell from Adrien's expression he thought there was something wrong. "Hi Nino, Hi Adrien" Alya said. "Hey Marinette!" Adrien said. Wow, he said Hey to me! " H-h-hii A-adrien!" I squeaked.  I'm so dumb, why do i have to get so nervous around him. Alya nudged me. I knew what she was trying to say but I couldn't. I didn't want to confess, I was just to scared he would reject me. Anyway, he has been friendzoning me for the past year and a half. 

We sat down and talked about Ladybug and Chat Noir. 

"I think Ladybug is cool, she is rockin' the suit" Nino stated. 

"I don't know about you but I think that Ladybug has amazing reflex abilities and she looks pretty!" Adrien said this about Me!. Well Ladybug. Who is me. So, I guess he is still calling me pretty. Eeeeek.

Alya was staring at me. I could tell by her expression she was planning something.

"I like Ladybug, Chat Noir is more of her..." Alya started "...Side Kick"

"How dare you Alya, Ladybug sees Chat more than just a Side Kick but as a partner. For your information, I also think that Chat has an amazing costume Nino as well as Ladybug, and why does no one appreciate his puns! Of course they are weird and irritating sometimes, but look he must take ages figuring them out. No matter who he is under the mask you gotta appreciate him. Especially his puns, and how he thinks he is handsome, that's funny." I blurted all this out before i even knew what I was doing. All three of them were staring at me, and it looked like Adrien was... blushing?

"Wow, Mari, i never knew you thought of Chat Noir that way!" Adrien said suprised by my sudden angry speech.

"I... u-uhh... yeah... I-i just get so mad when people do not appreciate him." I laughed awkwardly and sat down on the floor. 

^Alya's POV^ 

Wow, Marinette looks as though she needs help. I picked up my phone. "Oh its 4:55, wow we spent a long time talking, anyway me and Marinette here have top go and do something!"

"see you later!" Adrien called out. Marinette was just sat on the floor. "Hey Marinette the boys have gone, and you have patrol with.. chat."

^Marinette's POV^

"I can't believe it Alya!" I screamed as we walked towards the bakery, "What if Chat Noir was at the park, close by, OH NO!" 

"Don't worry girl, just go and enjoy patrol, and I doubt it that Chat Noir heard you..." 

I knew Alya wasn't telling the truth, I knew I said that very loudly, but Chat Noir isn't just my Side Kick, He isn't just even my Partner, he is My friend. "Ok ready Tikki?" I asked as the little red creature flew out my purse into my room. "Yep!" she replied. 

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