Chapter 7 - Another Secret

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Marinette's Bedroom 


Marinette's POV

I walked home, and entered my house with a fake smile, I lied to my parents telling them that my day was great. I walked to my room and let Tikki out of my purse. "So, Tikki, why were my hands glowing? does it have something to do with Chloe being covered in mud? Is it to do with the miraculous?! "Well, yes in a way," Tikki stated " Every holder of the Laybug miraculous gains a power on the birthday, any power at all." I was very confused. "So, does that mean I-i have powers?!" I exclaimed. "Yes, and by the looks of it, you need to control it, or everyone will know who Ladybug is!" Tikki replied.

I would never have guessed that I would ever have powers, let alone the miraculous. This day may be getting better. There was a knock at the window. I guessed it was Chat Noir. "Tikki, hide, I said in a whisper. "Good evening, Purrincess." The black cat said as he climbed onto my bed. "Evening?!" I cried "Already?!" 

"Yes, Purrincess, why have you been sleeping" The silly kitty winked. "No, I have been thinking..." my voice trailed of. I moved my head down to look at my feet. "About what Marinette?" He sounded serious, and he never calls me by my name. I looked up, and saw he looked serious as well. "School" I said. It was barely a whisper. I expected Chat Noir to ask what happened but instead he bought me into a tight hug, and said "I will leave you to your thoughts then." With that he was off.

"What was that all about?" Tikki asked, zooming out her hiding space. "I don't know but i feel like going and getting some fresh air." I replied "Ready when you are Marinette!" Tikki said.

I transformed and jumped out of the window, only to see an akumatized person wrecking Paris!

I arrived at the scene and found Chat Noir dodging the bolts of lightening, that were coming his way. "Who is this?" i questioned. "It's Chloe again M'lady and i really need your help" Chat screamed as he was flung across the city." "MARINETTE DUPAIN-CHENG, COME HERE RIGHT NOW YOU LOSER!" chloe screamed. Remembering how Shadowmoth managed to break my charms i gave to everyone so they don't get akumatized. 

Chat Noir came up to me and said that the akuma was in her bracelet. "Ok Kitty, Lucky Charm!!" I said as i chucked my yoyo in the air. A card with a phone number came floating down into my hand. It was Alya's. I looked around and saw a few objects. "Chat, if Chloe wants Marinette, let's give her Marinette!" I winked, just incase he never understood. Chat nodded and I rang Alya..

(Conversation between Rena furtive and Ladybug)

LB: Hey Rena Furtive!

RF: You want an Illusion?

LB: Yes!

RF: Let me guess, of Marinette.

LB: yes of Marinette, now do it right in front of her.

No one's POV

Rena made a grumpy marinette stand in front of Chloe. Ladybug signaled Chat Noir to get ready to Cataclysm her bracelet. Chloe started rambling on about how Marinette was the worst. Chat noticed Ladybug was acting odd, and was about to go up to her when Chloe spotted Chat and ignored Marinette. "Come here Kitty!" Chloe said "I WANT YOUR MIRACULOUS!!!" Chat Noir stated "That's a thing you will never get.." Ladybug interupted him, "CHAT DON'T JUST STAND THERE USE YOUR CATACLYSM!!!!!" he could tell Ladybug was desperate, so he shouted CATACLYSM and was about to touch Chloe's bracelet. Chloe was too quick for him and Chat ended up touching the floor instead, making a big crack in the ground. Ladybug facepalmed herself. Chat Noir and Ladybug tried to stay out of sight from Chloe but she was to fast. "Chat Noir, I don't want to make you worry but we only have 1 minute left!!!" LB shouted. " We need more time..." just as Chat said his last words, they bumped into Bunnix "Hey mini bug, and kitty noir, come with me!"

The duo followed Bunnix into her hole (I don't know what to call that thing they go into). Bunnix stuck a bowl onto both of the hero's heads. "Hey wha-" Chat started but Bunnix interupted "De- transform and then we can form a plan here!" They both de transformed and fed their kwamis. They both transformed again and took the bowls of their heads. "So, what's the plan ladies" Chat Noir asked. "Well," Bunnix started "I believe you have powers Ladybug.." "Well, yes but I don't know how to use them." Ladybug answered. "How did you use them the first time?" Bunnix Hinted her, "Did you become angry with someone..." "Oh!," Ladybug realised " I guess I did. "Since when did Ladybug have powers..!?!!?" Chat Noir asked confusingly. "Since my 15th Birthday which I can't tell you when it was." Ladybug said. "Well, bugaboo, happy birthday for whenever it was!" Chat said happily. "you too kitty!" Ladybug said.  "Now, lets see, LUCKY CHARM!!!" ladybug shouted. "What, a bucket of glue?!" Chat Noir said "maybe you need to glue her to the floor" Bunnix let them leave and they went of to fight the villain again. "M'lady, you got a plan?" Chat asked as he saw a smile form on her face. "Yes, and it means you will have to wind her up, make her angry!" Ladybug replied "Ok, I will just hurry!" 

Chat yanked at Chloe's hair "DADDYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY" she screamed. Chat Noir and Chloe started fighting. Whilst that was going on, Ladybug was trying to focus on her powers. Come on Marinette she thought think about what Chloe said today. She shut her eyes and clenched her fists, thinking about what she wanted to do next. Pour glue all over Chloe, she deserves it. She opened her eyes to see Chloe, drenched in glue and stuck to the spot! 

"M'lady, was that you" Chat laughed. "yes, Cataclysm her bracelet!" Ladybug said proudly. "Cataclysm" Chat shouted, and he touched the purple bracelet that was on Chloe's wrist. The Akuma flew out and was caught by ladybugs yo-yo.

"Time to de-evilise! Gotcha" Ladybug said with a smile "Bye bye little butterfly"

"MIRACULOUS LADYBUG" ladybug shouted. Mini ladybirds flew around fixing everything the villain damaged! 

"Pound-it!" Chat Noir and Ladybug said. "See you, M'lady" Chat said, and with that he went. Ladybug said to Chloe "It's time you go home, its 9:00PM at night!" Ladybbug jumped into the air and headed towards her house. What a night that was she thought!

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