Chapter 1

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It was already midnight when Yo Han approached the house. His heart was beating fast, and he swallowed his nervousness back, trying not to shake. He couldn't fail now.

Yo Han admitted freely to himself that he was afraid of finally confronting the predator, but he had resolved to finish this tonight. He couldn't let this go on, not with what was on stake.

He entered the house, not turning on the light. He searched through the rooms, but it was empty, though he bed was still warm. He looked further around for any signs of the man, trying to stop the shaking in his knees and knowing that this could go horribly wrong.

Yo Han hated the fact that he was the only one who could do this, with the police being corrupted from the inside out by OZ. He was just a doctor, not trained for this, but he didn't dare to confide in anyone that Ba Reum was the real killer, not when they seemed to suspect him.

He knew no one would believe him over Jung Ba Reum and the times he had tried to call it in, he had only brought his own life in danger. So, there was only one thing left to do, confront the murderer himself, and take revenge for his murdered friend.

He looked out the door and saw Ba Reum walking outside the house alone and intercepted him. He hoped he wasn't too late to save Han Kook.

Ba Reum held his hands above his head, like Yo Han told him too, and commanded Ba Reum to get the boy from underneath them, where the pictures had shown him to be.

"What do you mean, underneath?" Ba Reum asked, looking puzzled and afraid, holding his hands high in the air, still playing innocent.

"Han Kook, he's in your basement." Yo Han said, gesturing to the plants behind him. The files had been clear about where the secret hide-out was.

"I don't have a basement." Ba Reum said, his eyes going nervously from side to side, as if trying to seek a way out from this. Yo Han guessed that he wanted to stall for time.

"Let's look for it then." Yo Han said easily and moved the plant towards it side, knowing that this is where the lid towards the cellar underneath should be, but he didn't see it. He frowned slightly.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw Ba Reum make a sudden movement and he turned around to hold him in his line of sight again.

"You are the killer." He said to Ba Reum, who was still holding his hands slightly raised, looking at him weirdly.

"What?!" the other man said in shock, looking at him with panic and confusion, "No you are." He blurted out.

Yo Han frowned. Why did he keep on insisting. He knew that Yo Han wasn't the killer and there was no one around. He thought that Ba Reum would drop the act.

"Drop the act." Yo Han said, stepping closer, making Ba Reum step back and trip over a nearby obstacle.

"Please, I'm not the killer, I swear." Ba Reum said fearfully, the look in his eyes making Yo Han lower his knife a bit.

Ba Reum took the opportunity and scrambled up, running off as fast as he could. The sudden movement had caught Yo Han off guard, but he followed Ba Reum swiftly, not wanting him to get away. He wanted to end this tonight.

He could hear some vague shouting in the distance when he cornered Ba Reum, who was just looking at him fearfully, his breathing gasping.

Yo Han looked towards the screaming and saw the detective aiming a gun towards him and he swore. This wasn't what was supposed to happen. How did the guy get here this fast?

He quickly thought about all of his options, and made a split-second decision. He grabbed a nearby hammer and knocked Ba Reum on the side of his head, with just enough force to render him unconscious, hoping that he didn't do anymore damage. Head injuries could be tricky that way.

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