Chapter 13

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Moo Chi had tried his best to find traces about Jung Ba Reum's past and his family, but he had found nothing in the public files. He had asked Sang to search for the background as well, but he found nothing either.

Worse yet, the day after he tried to look up the information, Sang had been scolded.

"And if I do it again, I'll be on probation." He had said unhappily. This of course send of warning bells by the dozen.

The only thing they had was the last known living place, but that was the house Bong Yi owned and that wouldn't help them either.

Moo Chi sighed. So far this case was locked hermetically tight and he didn't seem to be able to get any official paperwork concerning it, nor about Ba Reum or even Yo Han. Everything was classified. But why? It made no sense.

And how could he find out about Ba Reum's past? He thought back on the investigation they had been doing and he considered asking Bong Yi at first, but he remembered the last time he had seen her at the notary office. She had looked vague and he had been quite sure she was still drugged. Who knows how she would react to his questions about Ba Reum.

No, it was better to not involve her in this.

But there was one more person who had helped with the original investigation, one more who had been there at the notary office.

Ba Reum's friend, Dong Koo. They had said that they knew each other since they went to high school together. He will certainly know more about Ba Reum's family. Moo Chi grabbed his keys and coat and decided to find out where he was, feeling happy to have finally found a lead.

Dong Koo's address was luckily not top secret and was easily found. See, if one was willing to dig deep enough, you could still find some information.

He knocked on the door when he found the correct number, but instead of Dong Koo, a middle-aged women opened the door.

"Excuse me, I'm searching for Ko Dong Koo." Moo Chi said.

"He isn't home right now." The woman said, looking at him suspiciously.

"Can you tell me where I can find him? It's kind of urgent." Moo Chi said, hoping that he wouldn't have to return later. The woman sighed a bit, looking a bit grumpy.

"He's at the hospital. He's always at the hospital." She said exasperated, but he could hear to undercurrent of worry in that statement.

"He's with Chi Kook?"

"Yes. I know how good friends they have been, but I hope Dong Koo will be able to let go soon. Otherwise he'll waste his own life." The woman said and Moo Chi saw a tear appear in her eye, so he quickly thanked her and went away before he had to deal with all her emotions about this all.

He couldn't even deal with his own emotions, so taking care of someone distressed was never easy for him.

Luckily he knew where Chi Kook was hospitalised and it didn't take him long to find the correct room in the hospital, only twice having taken a wrong turn. Hospital's were always so darn big and complicated.

He opened the door slightly, just to check that he was in the right room and he saw Dong Koo sitting next to the bed, helping to wash his friends face.

He knocked on the side of the door, and saw Dong Koo look at him, surprise in his face.

"Detective Ko, with what can I help you." The man asked, lying down the washing cloth. Moo Chi looked him over, and saw the dark rings under his eyes and the unshaven face. Moo Chi recognized the signs of desperation the man was showing, since he had shown them himself. He decided to ignore them, because he didn't know how to help the other man. Hell, he barely knew how to help himself.

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