Chapter 15

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A few days after they had visited the orphanage, Moo Chi had printed out all the pictures of Ba Reum's personal files and took them with him to their new headquarters.

Chi Koo's hospital room provided them a safe place to be, giving them time to go through the files without too many interruptions. The occasional nurse just checked in once in a while and when she had to clean the man more thoroughly, they just had to sit outside for a bit until they were allowed back in.

Moo Chi had first proposed his own place, bit Dong Koo didn't want to leave Chi Kook alone for too long.

"He used to be called Jae Hoon." Moo Chi pointed out, "it says here that he changed it because of his mothers last words to him." Dong Koo looked over to his files and saw the approval of the psychologist for the name change.

"I like how Ba Reum sounds," Dong Koo said, turning back to his pages, "I found the address and also the old school records. You have to look at those grades." Dong Koo handed the school records to Moo Chi who whistled impressed. All hundreds on there, except for PE.

"Well, I think it's time for a road trip." Moo Chi said, heaving himself out of the chair.

"I'm coming too." Dong Koo said, wanting to find the truth about Ba Reum. He followed Moo Chi, turning back to Chi Kook once before he left the room. .

"Don't worry Chi Kook, we'll prove that Ba Reum is innocent in this."

It wasn't that difficult to find the home, but when they knocked on the door, no one was there to open it. Moo Chi looked through the window, but the house seemed empty, lived in, but just no one at home.

"It's still working hours." Dong Koo said, and Moo Chi nodded, looking at the small well kept garden and the large house, wondering why this man couldn't find it in his heart to let Ba Reum stay with them.

"We'll come back this evening. Let's go check out the school first."

The two man went to the school and quickly made their way to secretary, trying not to step on the children who were just having their lunch breaks.

"Excuse me. I'm searching for a teacher of one of your former students." Moo Chi said, and flashed his badge. He knew he was now crossing the line, but he wanted results. As long as he didn't inquire to deep, there shouldn't be any reason for them to contact the police themselves.

"Which student and from what year?" the secretary asked, already opening a program on the computer.

"Jung Jae Hoon, it should be around 2005." Dong Koo answered the woman. She tapped the keys on her computer and scrolled a bit.

"Ah, yes. You're in luck. His teacher still works here. Just a minute please." She left the two man standing there and went off to search for the teacher. It didn't take long for her to return with another woman in tow.

"You had some questions about Jung Jae Hoon?" she said and the man nodded. She guided them to an empty classroom as not to disturb anyone near them.

"So, what do you want to ask?"

"We want to find out how he was here at school and his relationship with his family." The woman regarded them.

"Jung Jae Hoon was a very smart boy, almost unbelievably so. He had some trouble fitting in with the other children his age, but he always tried to help other people and was generally a nice boy. He did have some troubles at home though."

"What kind of troubles." Moo Chi asked, making the teacher look a bit hesitant.

"Well, his mother seemed to have some mental problems. The family didn't talk about it, but Jae Hoon sometimes came to school with several bruises, or cuts. Sometimes he suddenly missed a few days from school. We never knew the full picture, but one day he came to school and we could see marks around his neck looking like fingerprints and afterwards his mother was absent for a few weeks." Dong Koo and Moo Chi shared a look at this.

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