Chapter 6

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It had been a few days since the fatalistic news, but during these days, Bong Yi slowly became more and more aware of the world around her. The doctors kept on slowly lowering the dose of the sedatives, carefully watching how she reacts to the less controlled emotions.

By the second day they had let her stay awake for most of the day, even daring to lower her mood controlling drugs a bit more. For the most part she seemed stable, but they knew it would take a while before she would be able to smile again.

The third day she was surprised to receive a telephone call to invite her to the notary office. When she told her doctor about the invitation, he had frowned about it.

He advised against her going, saying that her mental condition wasn't ready for it yet. She had insisted that she wanted to go anyway, guessing it had to do with Ba Reum death.

After a lot of negotiating, they had agreed that they could not hold her here, but they had insisted that she take the medications to dull the worst of her emotions, and that she best returned to the hospital afterwards.

She had agreed on these conditions, thinking it would be indeed safer for her. She didn't think she could deal with the full scale of her emotions just yet. But she had to deal with it one day as well. She didn't want to hide from it anymore.

They next day, she made her way over to the fancy notary office, taking the bus, making sure to sit way at the back, looking hostile so no one would dare to disturb her. The passing scenery held no interest to her and she just wanted the ride to be over with.

The short walk to the office was made without really paying any attention to it and she entered the building, looking around and seeing the lady behind the front desk. She made her way over there, a touch of nervousness breaking through the wall of drugs.

"Hi, I was called to come here today. My name is Oh Bong Yi." She said. The receptions made a few clicks on her screen.

"ah, yes I see. Would you please just wait in the waiting hall, first door on the right." She said, gesturing towards the door.

Bong Yi didn't even nod in comprehension, just moved towards the door. When she entered the waiting room, she saw another man already sitting there and detective Ko was standing near a plant in the corner, resolutely not looking at anything. He had looked up when she came in, but with the speed of light looked away once again.

She stared a bit at the man, not knowing how to react, but before she could do anything, the door on the opposite side of the room opened. An older, greying man in a fancy suit had opened the door.

"It looks like we are complete." He said, "if you would all follow me."

They all followed the man in single file until he ushered them in a small office space and asked them to take place at the table.

"My name is Lee Jae Ha and I'm the notary of the deceased Jung Ba Reum." He started, introducing himself formally to all of them.

"I have been appointed with the task of offering you my condolences and informing you that you are the benefactors of the last will and testament of Jung Ba Reum."

They looked at the man, not completely surprised by this. It hadn't been said with the invitation, but seeing that Ba Reum didn't have any family, it was to be suspected that it would be for the will and testament. Why else would hey have been called to the notary.

"I will now read the testament, in witness of my assistant." A younger man sat in the corner and bowed to them, before sitting back down behind his computer.

They started out with the technical stuff first, with Ba Reum declaring his soundness of mind and all, but then he reached to the personal part of the testament.

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