Chapter 4

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Moo Chi froze in shock when he heard Yo Han's voice coming from the phone instead of Ba Reum's. Intellectually, he knew that the chance that it would be Ba Reum was small, but somehow he had felt a spark of hope when he saw the name across his phone screen.

"Where are you, and what have you done with Ba Reum." He shouted in the phone, shaking with anger, rage and fear, all three emotions fighting for the upper hand within him. Yo Han gave a shrill laugh on the other side of the phone.

It took only seconds for the tech team to put attach Moo Chi's phone to the tracking system, gesturing an 'OK' to Moo Chi when the search had started.

Moo Chi saw the gesture and knew that it was now his job to keep Yo Han on the line as long as possible, to give the machine the time necessary to locate the origin of the phone call.

"What did I do with Ba Reum." Yo Han said sardonically, "I just played a bit with him, until he finally tells the truth. Bastard didn't say much though. You think I'm the killer, but I'm not. When I kill Ba Reum, no one will die anymore. He didn't want to say where Han Kook is though."

Moo Chi looked at the phone weirdly. What was Yo Han doing? Did he go crazy or something? The rambling he was producing seemed not in character, totally not like his normal speeches from before.

"Please, don't. You don't have to do this." Moo Chi suddenly heard Ba Reum begging on the background. His heart stuttered a bit and he let out a gasp. Ba Reum was still alive, they could still save him.

"But I do. Don't worry, it'll be over soon, for the both of us." He could hear Yo Han say, a strange quality to his voice.

"What are you doing?" Moo Chi screamed in the phone, "leave him alone, you sick son of a bitch."

But, Yo Han didn't seem to listen anymore, instead Moo Chi heard the small clack of a phone that was probably put on some kind of surface, but the line wasn't interrupted. Good. He could see his colleagues swarming around the device connected to his phone, almost having found the location. They gestured at him again to keep the conversation going, but Moo Chi didn't think it would be of any use.

"Still no confession, murderer?" he heard Yo Han ask, and Moo Chi frowned harder. He could feel the sweat drops starting to slide down his forehead in tension.

"Please, I swear, I didn't kill anyone. I would never." He heard Ba Reum say desperately, the last sentence was followed with a hitch of his breath and then he heard a sort of gurgling scream and some other sounds he couldn't really place.

Moo Chi didn't have a good feeling with these sounds and the sudden disappearance of Ba Reum's begging made him fear for the worst.

He screamed in the phone, as loudly as he could in the hope of luring Yo Han back to the phone, making several people near him startle, but Yo Han was not listening anymore.

"Don't worry Ba Reum, I'll join you." He heard Yo Han say serenely and then another strange sound, like water being poured? Then a gush of wind and then the line disconnected.

He stared at the tiny device in fear, hoping that his mind was just making things up, that Ba Reum wasn't dead. Don't forget, the predator liked to play games with them.

He suddenly heard a relieved shout coming from the group of techs, and looked over at them, his face sweaty and drawn. His face almost strangely devoid of emotion.

"We have a location." Another detective said, and this time there was no stopping Moo Chi from joining the field team. He didn't even take the time to get his coat, but ran towards the car, opening the door so hard, he nearly broke the glass window by bouncing it so hard against the wall.

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