Chapter 11

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Moo Chi had been going over the Predator case already for the past couple of weeks and so far he had found out several things.
First of all, and the most important thing he had found out was, that all the files and research concerning said case had become highly confidential and he couldn't access any of the files anymore.

Or rather Sang couldn't access any of the files anymore since Moo Chi was still on probation.
So far for transparency right. All they had was the governments word for it that it was done correctly.

So, with that option out of the question, he had taken to investigating the things he still remembered about the case, which luckily was quite a lot. The only problem with this avenue was that so far, everyone clamped up when he reinvestigated, telling him the officials already been there.

Since it had been on the news, no one trusted the normal police anymore.

So, like the rest of the country, he was stuck with watching that dreaded show, which according to Moo Chi was becoming a big pile of bullshit.

But the episode of this week had shaken him more than he had liked to admit.

He knew that he hadn't known Ba Reum for a very long time, but during those last days he had worked closely with the man and he had seen with his own eyes just how he other man worked.

He realised that Ba Reum wasn't stupid, but he had never expected him to be classified a genius. Even so, that wasn't what rattled him. No, the real shocker came when his parentage had been revealed.

Moo Chi had felt it shake his whole core and belief. The son of the man he hated beyond everything else. He thought back of his promise to kill the Head Hunter in front of his son and shuddered at his own extreme thoughts.

Just thinking of hurting Ba Reum made his head hurt.

Moo Chi wondered if Ba Reum had known himself, probably not, Moo Chi guessed, or at least he never gave any sign nor mention of it.

It made Moo Chi wonder how this had happened. It seemed a bit too much of a coincidence.

Yo Han was thought to be the Head Hunter's son, and now it turned out that Ba Reum was it, and Yo Han kidnapping Ba Reum and the killings? How was it connected?

Moo Chi decided that he would try to relieve his curiosity. He turned on his old computer, swearing when it took too long for him to start-up and then even started to update. He slammed his hands against the keyboard, but the computer just took his time.

After finally being able to log in, he tried to look up all the information about the family of the Head Hunter, and calling Sang to ask him to find out about Ba Reum's family.

Since he couldn't work directly on the case, it was time to do some background research.

Dong Koo turned off the television, throwing the remote control to the side in disgust. He looked over at the non-responsive person in the bed next to him. He rubbed his unshaven face and sighed.

Dong Koo knew he was starting to neglect himself to be with Chi Kook more and more, but he felt that if he didn't do it, he would lose the connection to his childhood friends. His mother had already expressed her concern about being so much with Chi Kook, but Dong Koo wasn't ready to let go just yet.

And this show wasn't helping. They ways they were trying to paint of Ba Reum as an evil murderer were becoming more and more tedious and he was glad that most people didn't want believe the words at first glance anymore, unlike with the first few shows.

"It's getting ridiculous Chi Kook, the way they try to find things out about Ba Reum." Dong Koo said, but he wondered if the DNA test was true. Ba Reum didn't talk a lot about his childhood, but they had known that Yo Han was the son of the Head Hunter. They were about the same age though.

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