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They know! The Yend know! In the excessive paranoia to keep commanding The Expanse, The Yend employ memory gathering technology and aural monitoring.  Basically every citizen within the Yendsphere is bugged.  Anomalies in faith, certain thoughts that skew a certain way, are all addressed in the gravest of ways. 

Always careful to monitor his own thoughts, Crux was overwhelmed at the implications of this dream.

"They'll think I've gone soft! They'll think I've lost faith and abandoned it all!". He shouted this into the stillness of his room.

The Redguards, notorious containment troops, would descend on Crux's Little shop of Beacons and brand him a Yend offender.    At any moment a patrol would arrive.

No sooner had the thought crossed his mind than the familiar hiss - pop of a Yend ship falling out of Relativity shook the dark little studio.  There was another, and another, and another.  Before he could get to his roof hatch to see what was happening, his world rumbled. He heard the whine and the cry of weaponry outside. He felt the impact of explosions as the Yend surely paved a trail to his door, leaving the little nook of village structures that he called home a smoldering field of ruins. 

Crux had to shield his eyes with his hand as if he were searching off in the distance to see all the action right outside his hatch. The Yend took no prisoners and if they detected one anomaly, nothing was spared to reach the offender.  The Yend had been known to lay waste to whole regions in pursuit of anybody that thought differently than the Yend allowed. 

Among the fireballs and smoldering mess right outside of his studio, the silhouette of a ship, the shadowed hull of an unauthorized cruiser, came into slow focus. The markings were Seeker.

"Pirates!" Crux exclaimed to no one in particular. 

As the ship drew closer, almost silent on its approach, almost detached from the chaos surrounding it, Crux realized what it was. The brigade known as Calfate's Mercs had decended upon the Yend home world.  Their very presence was an act of War. The Armada of Yend Warcraft swarmed the skies around the pirate ship, honing in with relentless precision. 

But then Crux noticed something else. The flashes of light and the color of the battle in front of him had obscured the true nature of what he saw. He stood, mouth  agape at the colossal scene before him. A Yend command ship, half the size of the village that spread out before him,  came raining down, midline askew and collapsing out of the sky.  Calfate's Mercs were vacating their ship in several Landers.  Before he could even register the predicament Crux was met nose to nostril with a landing party led by The Merc Commander.  He was wanted in Star systems across The Vast. Crux blinked his vision into focus. 
"This is bad" he mumbled.  To no one in particular.

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