What Has Been Going On With Abi

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I watched as my father and Zara continued their conversation. They were talking about her school and just little things in her life. He didn't get too personal, I was just happy that we were talking about something other than sleepovers.

I still don't agree with the outcome of that situation. The sound of Abigail's voice cracking broke my heart. I know how much those sleepovers meant to her, I never wanted them to just stop. We could've gradually stopped, instead of the weekend just doing a day. Then eventually a few hours, till we were done with it.

I know I have a mate, I'm 100% aware of that. I also know I am now an Alpha and my priorities should be changing, but I am still a kid. I never really had time to be a child because my whole life I was brought up to be an Alpha. I didn't have a childhood like everyone else because I was born knowing I would be the Alpha.

The weekend was the only break I got from school and Alpha training. The weekends were the only time I could be a kid and just focus on having fun. I was able to let every emotion I had out. I was able to be myself.

I don't want them to completely end because they were the only freedom I had all of my life. I know they gave freedom to Abigail too.

Looking over I could see how intrigued my father is with her. He's not nice to most people, he's approval is like being blessed around here. It made me happy to see him interested in her as a person.

Zara looked so comfortable telling her stories. I couldn't make out what was being said since I was so deep in my head.

Zara is naturally beautiful, not needing to do anything special to her face or body. I found myself studying her face. Trying to pick up on her different expressions and what they could mean. So far I know she scrunches up her nose slightly when she's excited. When she's thinking hard she starts squinting her eyes a little. She also favors her right side over her left, even though she's left-handed.

I was fascinated with her. Wanted to know everything about her.

My mother came out of the kitchen, she looked like she had a lot on her mind. She played with her fingers and looked at the ground, that means she had something on her mind or she knew something.

"What's wrong Patty?" My father asked, hugging her gently.

"I'm just thinking about something. I'm okay, I promise" she smiled. She looked over to me and Zara, her face screaming that something was on her mind. "Abigail left out" she blurted out.

"Why? Is she okay?" I asked, a wave of concern flowing through my body.

I could see how uncomfortable Zara looked. Her body tensed up and I could sense her light growling.

"She just needed to head out. Check on her before you two go to sleep, yeah?" She asked.

"Yeah, yeah of course" I said.

"Are you okay?" I asked through the mind link.

She didn't respond. She must really be upset about the sleepover situation, but I'm not sure how to fix that to where everyone is happy.

I could tell Zara was getting a little tired. Her eyes looked really heavy. She tried to keep them open but I could see her losing that battle.

I mind linked the driver so he can get here in a few minutes.

"We should be leaving out, Zara is getting sleepy" I announced.

"No, I'm fine," she said, trying her hardest to look awake.

"Go get some rest you two. While you're at it, start on those grandkids. Don't make them old like us." My father said, standing up from the table.

If I was drinking something it would've been all over the table by now. I always knew my father was straight forward, but was that necessary for their first day meeting her?

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