23rd of October, 2021
Finished at 22:58I dedicate this book to the person I met on 12th of October, 2021. You reminded me of how there is hope in my world again. It must be too early to call this the love I have always wanted, but one thing I am confident of is that I will grow to like you. Listen, I am writing this right now to reciprocate and to dedicate. I will not spend my remaining years of being apart from you just to exchange words. I need you, Jayden. I need you to know, with all of your senses, that I will never write this book if I have never felt it.
We may only talk through screens but I may trust you with my whole life or I will never trust you at all. Your words made it through my heart and now it is my time to engrave mine into yours. . This book will symbolize a compass, wherever you are heading, there will always be a direction.
I will swim the ocean for you until I reach the land, and once I have reached land — I will call it my home. I am a poet, you are my reader, and the rest are my witnesses. This is about us and for others to call history.
If you claim to be different, so do I.
For Jayden
PoetryYou seem to understand me well but I want you to feel me. Through screens , from here to there, you swore to keep my heart, so I will devote to you this piece of art for our souls to intertwine. This is my diary. Our diary. Let me in.