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Xenia had to work overtime. She came home grabbed the left over chicken soup as she puts the left over bread in her mouth. ''Nia...'' Her mom says. ''Please, eat first.'' She said as she shakes her head in disapproval. ''I can't mom.'' She puts the left over bucket of chicken soup in her purse.

''I'm sure this is enough, its a portion for two persons.'' Her mom says as she watches her daughter. ''Thankyou mom.'' Xenia smiles brightly. ''Make sure to take a break, okay sweetheart?''

''Yes mom, I will. See you tonight.'' Xenia nods as she puts her scarf around her neck. It was already the early october and the weather only got colder. I can't wait to move out of this country, she thought.

She left her family house, grabbed the car from her dad as he was across the country again and drove to Woking. She parked her car in the street and walked up to the fence. After a minute she was standing inside. She drops her shoes and coat on the rack and she walks up to the living room.

Her heart sunk to her feet when she heard loud tv noises. Oh no, the girl, she thought. She peaked through the entrance of the living room, a boy with brown, messy curls was laying on the coach. His head rested on a big pile of pillows, the blanket was spread across his legs. His eyes were foccused on the tv screen.

''Hello?'' Xenia voice lets out soft, she stept into the living room. The boy jumps up from the couch, his big eyes on Xenia. ''I didn't mean to scare you.'' Xenia says with a small smile on her lips.

The boy gets up from the couch, his blue eyes scanning Xenia. ''Oh, hi.'' He says, his voice crack a little bit with the 'hi'. ''I thought you expected me.'' Xenia says, her eyes on the kitchen. She squints her eyes a little when she sees a complete mess. Her face deadpanned as she faced the boy again.

''Not really.'' The boy let out hoarse, a small smile on his lips. ''You know its thursday, right?'' Xenia asks him. ''Oh.. oh yeah! My bad.'' The boy scratches his neck awkward.

''I'm Xenia-Belle, your housekeeper.'' Xenia walks up to him and shakes his hand. ''Lando, I'm the—'' He says back. ''Your dad isn't home?'' Xenia eyes the empty house.

''House owner.'' Lando finished his sentence. ''Oh..'' Xenia lets out. Lando let out a cough as his eyes started to tearing up. ''I didn't expect you to be the house owner.'' She laughed, a blush playing on her cheeks. Embarrassing Xenia, really.

''Yeah, could say the same for you. I didn't expect you to be my house keeper.'' His lips form into a cheeky smile after that he coughs again. ''Are you sick?'' Xenia asks, her eyes watched his precisely.

''Just a bad cold.'' He shrugs his shoulders. ''I have chickensoup, it sort of is my dinner but I have enough.'' — ''It really helps when you are sick.'' Xenia walks up to the hallway to grab the bucket, she walks into the kitchen.

''Sure.'' Lando walks behind her to the kitchen.

His blue eyes watch her how she puts the chicken soup in a stock pot. How can a girl, this pretty be my housekeeper? Damn, he thought.

''Okay, if you will stirr a few times, then I will vacuum upstairs first, okay?'' Xenia asks Lando. He looks at her uncertainly. ''Uh-h okay.'' He says. ''You won't be setting this kitchen on fire?'' Xenia scans Lando his uncertain eyes. ''Nopé.'' He pops the p as he grabs a stirrer from a drawer and stirs in the soup.

''Okay, great. Because you know.. I choose life.'' Xenia smiles. Lando his eyes went from the soup to Xenia, a playful smile playing on his lips. ''Ah great to know, maybe I will set this kitchen on fire.'' His voice playful, his tongue hitting both side of his cheeks. Something he does when he's in a playful or happy mood.

''Then mister, you don't have this nice lady as your housekeeper, anymore.'' Xenia shrugs her shoulders as she grabs the vacuum cleaner from the floor. ''Ouch.'' Lando says.

And with that Xenia walks upstairs with the vacuum cleaner in her hands, it was the beginning of a new friendship.

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