twenty eight

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THEY LEFT the uber together when they arrived at the most famous club of Monaco; Jimmy'z. Lando told Xenia in the uber that the boy she met yesterday, Max, named his cat after the club. Xenia let out loud laughs when he told that to her as Lando just shrugged his shoulders. They got out together and Lando held the car door open, so Xenia could get out.

Her heels touched the ground with a loud sound as she looked at the building with bright lights in front of her. The queue with people got their attention on the two, young people who waved at their uber, who drove off. Some began to talk softly to each other as they continued to watch the famous, british Formula One driver with a mysterious girl. Lando softly placed his left hand around Xenia's hip as he guided her inside. Lando heard the people talk but ignored it, they skipped the queue and immediately got in, with just Lando his name and last name. Xenia just watched the people as they talked, her lips pressed together in a smile, as she smiled shyly to them.

They stepped into the building together. ''What do you want to drink?'' Lando yelled above the music, they just put their coats away and stood in the room with white and grey furniture, the purple and blue light where shining and made them kind of look different from colour. ''Hmm, okay. Wate-''

''Ah come on, you never go out clubbing. Enjoy your night and let your self go..'' Lando cooed next to her ear with excitement in his voice. ''Pornstar Martini.'' Xenia said in one breath as she shut her eyes, a painful look on her face. She was so easy to persuade... even easier because of the curled headed boy next to her which made her knee's felt weak when she saw his outfit earlier, what is happening? She thought. She sighed and opened her eyes and gave Lando a smile. ''Okay then, love.'' He smiled and walked away. Okay, is this how my night is going to be? She thought.

''Hey.'' A voice with a strong accent audible said to her. Xenia turned around and faced a boy with slightly blonde highlights in his hair. ''Hi.'' Xenia said softly, eyeing his appearance. ''Are you French?'' Xenia said before the boy could speak again. ''Yes! How do you know?'' The boy said excited, a big toothy smile showing.

''Because I am French too.'' Xenia said also with a big smile. She extended her hand and shook the boys hand. ''Xenia-Belle.'' She said. 'Pierre.'' He said. ''A beautiful French name.'' - ''Lando is lucky to have a beautiful French girl like y-''

''We are not together.'' Xenia smiled. ''We're just friends and housemates.'' The words leaving her lips, felt a bit strange. Housemates? What? She thought. ''Aha.'' Pierre just said, a non-believing look on his face.

''I see you met a compatriot.'' Lando smiled as he gave her the Pornstar Martini. ''Thank you and yes. Pierre.'' Xenia spoke his name in a French accent. ''I will see you guys in a bit, I need to get one too.'' Pierre said smiling and pointing to Lando's beer. They both watched as he walked away to the bar. ''Come on, lets find some people.'' Lando grabbed her handpalm softly and guided her through the crowd of people. Some said hi to Lando, which he greeted back. Some watched Xenia in confusion and some also greeted her.

'Maxxie!'' Lando said in a accent, she only heard Max speak in the hallway. ''Landoo!'' He yelled back, in Max his hands rested a Heineken, as he wore a grey baggy shirt and blue denim-washed jeans. ''How are you mate?'' Max said, putting a arm around his shoulders. ''Goed.'' Lando said easily. ''See, we need to hang out more often. I will re-teach you some Dutch.'' Max smiled big. His eyes scanned around the room and his eye fell on Xenia. ''Hey! Do you like Jimmy'z?'' Max said with a happy voice.

''For the few minutes I am here. Yes. It's a nice club.'' Xenia smiled. ''It's my favourite.'' Max replied. ''Yeah, you named your cat after this club, right?''Xenia sipped from her drink while she watched the crowd and then Max again. ''How do you know?'' Max shouted with a shock on his face. Xenia just watched Lando as he smiled embarrassed. ''Mate, you can't tell all my secrets!'' Max fake-yelled and then he laughed.

After a hour the club got more crowded. ''Love, do you want a new drink?'' Lando smiled, his breath lingered on her face. His face really close to the petite, brown haired girl next to him, which he adored since the day, she stepped into his house. ''You want me drunk, huh?'' Xenia said next to his earlobe.

''Maybe..'' -''Maybe then I will get a kiss.'' Lando teased with a cheeky smile on his lips.

''You don't have to get me drunk for that, you know.'' Xenia teased back as her lips turned into a cheeky grin. Lando his mouth fell open as he watched her move away slowly.

''Hey, stop staring! Are you coming?'' Xenia said laughing while walking to the bar.

''Oh.'' Lando just said, some ideas running through his head. This girl is making my head crazy, is this how it feels to be in... love? He thought.



welcome back to a new chapter :)
a really crazy week for me;

first of all: i graduated this monday 🎓
second of all: my first book hit 500K this week (WHAT??)
third of all: max and lando first start row tomorrow???????? (the world is healing👀)

thank you for all the sweet comments on my chapters and for all the likes.
see you very, very soon..... for PART TWO ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2023 ⏰

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