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Xenia left the house quietly after Lando didn't return from his call with Zak. She only heard a slamming door of his gaming room upstairs and then quietness. Max gave his cellphone number to Xenia so that he would update her.

A EXACT DAY later the boys are sitting in the bright sun of Dubai on the beach together. They booked this little getaway that night and touched land this morning.

"So.. your call with Zak?" Max mentioned. He had big sunglasses on his nose while he sipped on a freshly made Mojito.

Lando was in deep thoughts. He needed to get away from the rainy and nosey United Kingdom. The house in Monaco is done in three weeks so he couldn't get to there so he choosed Dubai, he thought.

"Mate!" Max yelled, Lando almost dropping his own glass of Mojito. "You made me almost drop my drink, you muppet!" Lando shouted back.

"What!?" Lando said when Max just kept looking at him. "I asked; how was your call with Zak?" Max repeated himself. He shook his head and took a sip from his drink.

"Uhm.. bad? Like really bad?" His tone sounded off.

"How bad?" Max looked Lando straight in his eyes. He saw a trace from sadness.

"Like so bad.. that I basically can't hang out with girls anymore?" — "I-i mean I can life with that but.. Not seeing Xenia? That's like really bad, man." Lando sighed, he pressed one hand against his forehead whilst he still heard Zak's voice booming through his head.

"And what are you going to do about that?" Max lifted his sunglasses of head and put it down on the table next to him.

Lando scoffed, his attention went to the swimmingpool in front of him. "Ignoring Zak's advice?" Lando's tone sounded bitter.

"You are going to ignore the advice from your boss?" Max laughed.

"Yeah, that's what I said." He said arrogantly.

"Woah there, Captain America, you could risk your job?" Max breathed out.

"Come on Max, I'm really private about my life outside Formula One, they don't even have a trace of Xenia." Lando shrugged.

"Yeah and what if they have?" Max replied, a loud sound from a empty glass through a straw was heard. Max set his empty glass down.

"Impossible." He simply replied.

Max rolled his eyes. Is this boy dumb or is he playing dumb? he thought.

"Plus, she is going to life with me in Monaco, the people there aren't giving a shit about who you are, they are all minding their own business."

"Okay then." Max simply said, not bothering to discuss further with his bestfriend.

"Hi gentleman, do you both want a new one?" The waiter came out of nowhere and pointed to the empty glasses.

"Yes, thank you." They both said at the same time.

"So.. did you already texted her?" Max mentioned.

"Not yet, will do it tonight." Lando said in a airy tone. The time difference was four hours so I think she just started at her work, he thought.

Max nodded, he stuck a mental note in his thoughts to not text Xenia himself about the situation.

"So you want to swim?" Max nodded to the pool.

Lando standed up and Max did the same. "Last one in the pool has to pay dinner tonight!" Lando yelled as he sprinted away. Max short behind him. A big splash was heard, Lando touched the water first.

"Hey, that's not fair!" Max yelled, he jumped in behind Lando.

"Mate, life isn't fair." Lando smiled.


so lando is about to risk his job?? *oh no, oh no, oh no no no no*
let's see how this is playing out for him..

little chapter of Lando POV, next one is going to be one of Xenia! :)
happy weekend 🤍

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