twenty six

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The sun was shining in Monaco, and the weather was way better than the United Kingdom. It felt like early spring weather although it was February. Xenia breathed in the fresh air from the ocean as she over looked the harbour. ''You like it?'' Lando said, next to her in the cab. ''Yes.'' She breathed out slowly, she closed the window and gave Lando a soft smile which he returned.

After a few minutes they arrived at the apartment. The cab driver unloaded the trunk and lifted their suitcases on the sidewalk. Lando payed the driver as Xenia watched him drive off after. ''Okay, let's go.'' Lando said, he grabbed the suitcases and walked to the big apartment building.

Lando pressed the button of the call box. ''Hello?'' A voice spoke. ''Hi, we are moving in today here.'' Lando said whilst looking around. ''Name?'' The voice spoke. ''Lando Norris.'' The camera moved from left to right and the door opened slowly.

''Luxurious.'' Xenia said with a smirk. ''All for you, love.'' Lando said back with a awkward wink. ''Gross.'' Xenia said sarcastic as they both went into the building.

They get into the elevator and Lando pressed the fourth floor. Xenia lifted her eyebrows. ''Race number four, is going to life on floor four?'' Xenia smirked. ''I will call it... coincidence.'' Lando said whilst moving his hands next to his head. The elevator opened again and Xenia followed closely behind him.

Lando stopped immediately with walking when a front door opened on his floor and a boy with light brown hair walks out. Xenia walked straight into his muscular back. ''Ouch.'' Xenia said soft whilst rubbing her head. In the meantime Lando and the boy greeted eachother with a hug. ''Mate!!'' The boy said out loud.

''I didn't know you where moving in today!'' The boy his voice squeeked a little, an accent was audible. ''Yeah, sorry. Last days where really busy.'' Lando spoke. Xenia moves away from Lando and is standing now next to him. The boy his eyes went from Lando to her.

''Ah, I see.'' He said while smirking to Lando. ''Who are you?'' Xenia said, squinting her eyes. ''Ouch.'' The boy spoke, he laid a hand on his heart. ''Hi, I'm Max.'' He holds his hand out to her. ''Oh, nice to meet you Max. I'll go by the name Xenia.''

''Beautiful name.'' Max gave her a soft smile which she returned. ''Okay, I need to get going. Kelly gave me a list of groceries, sorry. I will speak to you later?'' Max said.

''Yeah, sure, mate.'' Lando smiled. ''Okay, have fun with your girlfriend!'' Max said while walking to the elevator.

''We're not toge-'' Xenia spoke up.

''She's not my girlfrie-'' Lando said at the same time.

''Haha, look at you guys.'' Max laughed out loud. ''So cute!''

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