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A sharp pain surrounded Xenia her head. "Fuck..." She moans out loud. She pressed her hand on her temple and hissed in pain.

"For what are you moaning so loud for?" Lando his voice speaks up, his voice a little groggy.

"Not for you, obviously." Xenia spat back, she opened up her eyes and eyed the bedroom of Lando. Her gaze went to her body and luckily she is still in her clothes, she thought.

"Hmm.. oh well, fuck me then." Lando moans  as he turns around to lay on his side. Xenia her gaze fell on his black blouse, the buttons are opened and she looks at his tanned, musclar chest.

Lando his eyes are closed and his long eyelashes are softly laying on his cheeks. After a few seconds he let out soft snores, he's sleeping again.

Xenia her gaze goes from Lando to the clock. Eight in the morning? So, I just fell asleep? she thought.

The party ended late, a lot of people were still in the house, when they went upstairs and oh well, fell asleep together.

Xenia throws her bare legs off the bed, she takes a quick look on her heels, standing next to the bed. "Nope." She says to herself.

Her feet connects with the fluffy carpet from his bedroom and her legs dragged her to the bathroom.

She quickly went to the toilet and fixed up up her messy, bed hair. Her makeup was still intact, minus her lipstick.

The pounding in her head decreases a bit. She adjust her dress, she already feels the cold hitting her body more. Ofcourse missing the body warmth of the boy she was just laying next to.

Her green eyes spot a blue J.Lindenberg hoodie on the clothing rack in his room. She takes it of the hanger and she quickly let her body surround herself with the warmth of the hoodie.

Her eyes find Lando's body again, still sleeping. "Guess I am on my own then." She whispers, she then quietly leaves his bedroom.

Her body to the hallway as she closes his door, she turns around. Ehm, what? She eyes the two people who are sleeping in the middle of the hallway upstairs.

"Whatever." She says to herself. She steps over the people and walks straight to the stairs. Her feet takes her downstairs.

Xenia walks into the living room, some people passed out on the couch. She walks up to the kitchen and sees a boy sitting on the bar stool.

"Goodmorning, earlybird." Xenia says, not looking at the boy.

"Goodmorning, Xenia." Max replies, she turns her head and eyes a wide awake Max with a big smile on his lips.

"Why are you awake this early?" Xenia says with big eyes. She grabs a empty glass and fills it up with water. She chugs down the glass.

"My body always wakes up around seven.. even with one hour sleep, it's crazy, innit?" He replies, his accent audible.

"Yeah, the human body is crazy sometimes.. I give you that." She smiles. She walks to the kitchen island and stands now in front of Max. Only the counter sepreading the two.

She leans her arms on the counter and eyes the mug of fresh brewed coffee, the smell fills her nose and she immediately feels better.

"Hungover?" Max looks up from his mug. His finger trailing around the ear of the mug.

"Not as bad from when I was in my teenage years.." Xenia sighs.

"Hmm, coffee then?" Max gets up from the barstool. "Yes, please." Xenia smiles.

Max grabs a cup from the cabinet and presses on the button of the coffee machine. "Milk and sugar, madame?"

"Yes, sir." Xenia sits down on the counter as Max gives the mug to her. He walks around the counter and sits down on the barstool again.

Xenia held the mug to her nose and smells the fresh brewed coffee.

"So, how old are you again?" Max sips from his own coffee.

"Twenty one." Xenia replies while taking a sip from her own coffee. "You?"

"Twenty two." Max replies, his gaze on Xenia.

"So you are going to live all alone in this.. almost mansion?" Xenia says while drinking the last part from her coffee.

Max shakes his head. "Not anymore, plans changed; Lando will sell the house and I'm going to move to my parents for a while until I find a apartment with a mate of mine." Max smiles.

"Awh, bad for you.. But I get it." Xenia nods.

Max turns his head when he hears quick footsteps going to the hallway. Xenia also turns her head, she quickly sees a boy ran away. A door flies open and a loud puking sound is heard.

"Are you alright there, mate!?" Max yells. He eyes the passed out people in the living room, they are still passed out and didn't reacted on Max his yell.

No answer was heard from the guy. "I think we need to throw out the people before the afternoon, so that we can clean this mess." Xenia smiles while twirling her coffee mug on the counter.

"Yeah, sounds like a plan." Max smiles.

Footsteps were heard, the pair sitting at the kitchen island throw their attention again to the footsteps. Lando steps into kitchen, his bare chest visible, he only wore his black jeans and his socks.

"Damn, you are looking rough, mate." Max grins, he looks from Xenia to Lando, he sensed something happened that night between the two but his thoughts were not right.

"I'm looking fresh as a daisy." Lando muttered. He hands going through his messy curls as he walks up to the side of the kitchen island were Xenia was standing.

He walks to Xenia and pressed a butterfly kiss on her temple. "Goodmorning, love." He said in a soft voice to her, his gaze going from her eyes to his own hoodie what Xenia was wearing. His lips held a boyish grin as he walks away to grab a glass of water for himself.

"Oh.." Max says to himself but Xenia heard him. Xenia blushed, she slowly connects her gaze with a smirking Max, he wiggles his eyebrows but got interrupted by Lando that threw a banana to his head. "Ouch." He yelps.

"So, which one tells me a little story time.." Max says teasing, he points from Lando to Xenia, his lips still held the same smirk.

"Shut up, you muppet." Lando says while rolling his eyes.

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