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Xenia stared at herself in the mirror of her bedroom. Her dress with sequins, shined brightly back into her green eyes. She bought the grey mini dress with open back at H&M yesterday at the sale.

She didn't had anything to wear when Lando asked her the question if she wanted to come, so the next day she went to downtown London to do some shopping. Her eyes went to her black heels with open toe and her fresh painted white toe nails. I mean, dress to impress, right? she thought. 

She brushed with her fingers through her dark hair, she then grabbed her lipliner and put it on her lips. She then filled her lips in with a lighter colour then her lipliner. She pressed her lips together and popped them with a smack.

"Nice." She said to herself.

THE Uber she called for herself, arrived at Lando Norris his house. Normally she would drive herself but tonight she was pretty sure she was consuming alcohol. And asking her parents to drive her to a boys house for a big party? She would rather die, she thought.

''Thank you, Sir.'' Xenia said after she paid, she stepped out of the Uber and closed the car door behind her. The Uber took off as Xenia walked up the path to Lando Norris his house. The music booming through the walls. Okay, the geezer did not lie about the party, she thought.

She pressed her finger on the doorbell and waited. She bit a little on her bottom lip as she watched the disco lights through the window of the frontdoor.

''Oi!'' The front door swinged open and a smiley Max Fewtrell was revealed. ''Hey.'' Xenia said with a sweet smile on her lips. ''Xenia, isn't it?'' He yelled above the music.

She nods. They had a bad start a few weeks ago, maybe this time they could get to know eachother better, I mean... He is Lando's bestfriend.., she thought.

''Max, right?''

''Yeah! Come in.'' He opened the front door a little more, Xenia stepped into the house and already saw the house full of people. She put her coat away and eyed Max in front of her. In his hands a champagne with raspberry on the bottom.

''The starter of tonight, m'lady.'' Max smiled as he pressed the glass in her hands. Xenia grabbed it from him and nodded thankfully. ''Thank you, Max.''

Xenia walked behind Max into the crowd. Xenia eyed the crowd full of people, she sipped slightly from her drink. Come on, don't be a pussy, blend with the crowd, she thought.

She smiled to the group of girls who were dancing. ''Come dance with us, girl!'' One with brown hair says. Xenia giggles as she blends with the group of girls.

Xenia her eyes scanned the room, her green ones fell on the curly, brown headed boy standing at the end of the room. His back against the wall while he was talking to a blonde girl.. Wait, isn't that?

''Lily!'' A girl yells.

''No time for lovey dovey things. Come dance with us!'' The same girl yells. Xenia held the champagne glass to her lips and eyed the situation. The blonde girl named Lily, next to Lando threw her head back to watch the group of girls. ''Coming!'' She then said with a giggle.

Xenia dropped the liquid of the glass into her throat as she sets down the empty glass on the table. Her eyes again finds the couple, Lily her hand rests on Lando his chest as they have a conversation.

A waiter walks past Xenia with a plate full of Porn Star Martini's. ''I need one of these.'' She whispered to herself. Her hand quickly moved to the tray, she grabs a glass and smiles at the waiter. ''Thank you.''

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