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Xenia woke up by her phone buzzing on her stomach. ''What the—'' She picked the phone of her stomach, her finger moved to touch the screen and she immediately regrets her decision. She shuts her eyes for the bright light of her phone. She opens it again when her phone starts buzzing again, letting her known the caller called her for a second time.

unknown caller...

She looked at the time on her phone and saw the time just hit two in the morning. Her sleepy head never thought clearly because her finger moved fast to the green button, as she picked up her phone. ''Hello?'' 

''Wow, the sleeping beauty finally picks up her phone.'' A voice breathed through her phone. 

''Who is this?'' Xenia sat up straight in her bed. She probably fell asleep after her self care night, although it was Saturday night, her energy was pretty much drained from the week and she didn't felt like going out.

''You can guess three times, starts now....''

''First guess; a person who deserved to be slapped because it wakes me up from my well deserved sleep.'' Xenia turned so she layed in bed on her side.

The person stayed silent and so did Xenia until the voice spoke up finally.

''It's Lando.'' He finally said, he noticed she wasn't in the mood for games right now.

''How did you get my number?'' Xenia frowned in herself as she watched the photos on her wall. 

''Your work office, duh. But I got a important question for you...'' He throws out.

''And your question is?'' Xenia turns back to lay on her back.

''Can you help me with my door?'' A lot of rumble of walking through leafes is heard through the phone as she hears Lando breathe through the phone, he mumbles something in his self, something Xenia can't hear. ''Your door?'' She frowns again. ''Yeah?''

''What's up with your door?''

''It won't open, duh. I said that already.'' Xenia threw her legs out of her bed as she sat up straight. He didn't said it, she was pretty sure but okay, she thought. She eyed her red Christmas pyjama pants and her exposed stomach as she just wore her black lace bralette.

''Are you coming?'' He asked impatient. 

''Yeah, yeah. I'm coming.'' Xenia sighed as she picked up her black sweater, she put it over her head and got her worn out uggs, that already aged but not like fine wine.. She not knew Lando was home already, he told he was away for his triple header and he stayed some days in come countries to grab a small vacation, she never expected him to be home so soon.

''Okay, I'll wait for you.'' Lando says and with that he ends the call.

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