To Simply Be

598 19 2

A few seconds of peace that Team makes for himself...

Prompt: where are you going?


The smell of crisp mountain air, fresh flora and summer linen fill Team's senses as he steps out of the car and pulls his arms up above his head for a much-needed stretch. Driving for 4 hours by himself hadn't seemed so bad when he and Win were discussing how he'd come to the summer estate but now that his ass is numb, Team wonders if batting his eyelashes and pouting will be enough to convince Win to take him back in a chopper.

Tugging his duffle out from the passenger seat, Team hip checks the door shut and makes his way up the large driveway, gravel crunching pleasantly under his feet. The large mansion is imposing in nature but given that Team's been up here at least thrice a year over the last three years, he's no longer cowed by the extravagance.

Still, the sprawling estate is a beautiful piece to behold. Taking its influences from both Western and Eastern culture, the two-storied home boasts large balconies, a full gym, two pools, a home theatre and a drive in home theatre (created due to a throw-away comment from Team). Commissioned by Win's mother, the summer cottage (Team is often loathe to call it a cottage; he's seen actual cottages and they don't have indoor heated pools) was meant to be the hideaway for her family and their close friends when the lives of the rich and wealthy got ever so discomforting.

Team always likes to tease Win about that aspect about his life but he knows Win's mother had good intentions behind the creation of the large home. She and her husband worked hard for the name and status that they now held in society and occasionally, they needed time away to be just a family of 5 rather than the Wanichakarnjonkul family, influential hoteliers.

He's barely turned the knob to open the large doors when it swings back by itself and Team is faced with Pharm's beaming face, "You made it! How was the drive?"

Rather than a mature answer befitting his 30 year old age, Team drops his duffle and yanks Pharm into his arms, wailing into shorter man's neck, "Phaaaaaaaaaaaarm! I missed you! And your cooking! And the drive sucked! My ass is numb. It needs food to be better!"

Pharm laughs even as he pats Team's back and then flicks the back of his head, "My food is going to help your sore ass? How did you get that conclusion?"

Team pulls back, lips quirked in a grin as he regards one of his best friends, "Your food is balm to the soul Pharm. How could it not be a balm for my sore ass?"

Team gets another flick, to his forehead this time but Pharm eases the sting with the magical words, "Dinner won't be ready for a while but there are snacks and some of your favorite bagels in the kitchen. Wash up before you eat."

"This is why you're my favorite friend!"

"Don't let Manaow hear you say that."

"That blabbermouth here yet?" Team asks, hefting his bag up his shoulder again as he follows Pharm into the high ceiling hallway and up the winding stairs for their rooms.

"Don't let her hear you say that either. Pregnant Manaow is not someone you should poke at." The young restaurateur chides with a wry smile. "She and P'Pruk got here 3 hours ago and they went to the downtown market for some groceries. P'Pruk didn't want her walking but Manaow insisted."

There's another question ready at his lips but the benefit of knowing Pharm for so long is that the man is often in tune with Team's thoughts.

"P'Dean and P'Win are still stuck in their meeting but they'll be done soon, I think. P'Win told me to tell you not to eat too many Lays or you don't get dinner."

WinTeam Week 2021Where stories live. Discover now