4 Times Team Thought Win Would Be Too Busy....

412 21 1

And all the times he wasn't.

prompt: i can make time 



The first time Team stays in Win's room after a fuck is a complete accident. It had been a long, tiring day and Team just so happened to be horny and Win just so happened to be in the same mood and they just so happened to live in the same building, one floor apart.

Sex with Win is always great and always pleasurable for Team. When it's over, Win will let Team shower first and it's as Win's heading for the bathroom that Team will take his leave, head down onw floor and let fitful sleep take him. The one time Win pointed out that he could stay, Team had refused the offer saying that it was easier to sleep in his own bed.

The simple truth was that he didn't want Win to find out about his nightmares.

But this night, muscles aching in the best way and fatigue tugging on their eyelids, Team falls asleep to the warmth of Win's naked body beside him, legs tangled together and bodies still slick with cum and sweat.

And then a nightmare shakes him awake and Team jerks upright, mouth choking back on a scream. Next to him, Win stays fast asleep, exhaustion keeping him deep in dreamland even as Team trembles with the force of stifling his sobs.

The urge to burrow again under Win's arm and return to those few blissful hours of rest is strong. But Team doesn't think that that's what their relationship is. He and Win are simply swim team members, a senior and his junior, using each other for fantastic sex. Nothing more.

That's the thought that buoys Team off the bed carefully, rooting for his clothes and sandals in the dark and then easing the door quietly shut behind him so that he can make his way back to his own room for the night.

In the darkness, Win opens his eyes as he rolls onto his back and sighs up at the ceiling. It would seem they still have a long way to go.



English is his most difficult subject because English is the most difficult language. Win can try and reason with him but Team knows that there should be no good reason for some idiot centuries ago to have looked at words and decided that 'ph' had to make a 'fff' sound and not a 'puhuh' sound.

So yeah...fuck that guy.

And fuck the guy who agreed with fucker #1.

Still, Team's very valid concerns about why English is a stupid language do not really fly with his professor and he's told in no uncertain terms that his 1000 word essay on verb conjugations will still be due the next morning.

Swearing under his breath, Team makes his way to the library to seek out the one person who'd be able to help him. He knows Win is there, working away on his own term papers and he was both smart and nice enough to lend some of his superior brain cells to Team.

Except that when Team peeks out from behind the ordered shelves, there are three juniors all vying for Win's attention. The blonde looks as fresh as a daisy, his own notebook and highlighters pushed aside in favor of explaining math concepts to freshmen.

Team watches for a few seconds, bouncing back and forth on his heels in hesitation before turning away. He pulls out his phone and shoots Pharm a message filled with pleas, praises and full on begging.

Pharm is a heaven sent angel which is why he invites Team back to his apartment so that they can work on the essay together and Team leaves with a happy hum, shouldering his backpack.

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