Keep A Piece of Me For Me

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It's a part of him, a way to tell the world who he is. And he's not taking them off even though they hurt.

prompt: piercings 


"You sure you should push it in like that? It'll be a tight fit."

"That's what she said." Win responds unashamedly and he definitely deserves the towel snapped against his bare thigh. He laughs as he turns away from the mirror and towards his unimpressed husband.

"Couldn't help myself. And yeah, it's fine; the hole's just closed up so pushing the earring through is the best- gotcha!" Win crows triumphantly as the last silver stud finally pierces through his skin. A low throbbing ache radiates from his ears but Win looks at himself in the mirror with a satisfied grin, admiring the collection of cuffs, studs and dangling silver hanging from his ears after months of bare lobes.

Behind him, Team moves up to wind his arms around Win's waist, hooking his chin over the older man's shoulder, "I know you missed wearing them but I still think you should have gone to get your ears re-pierced before shoving those things in there."

Win simply makes a non-committal hum before turning his head slightly to capture Team's lips in a kiss, "It'll be fine. I used to wear them regularly, I know what's good for my ears. Trust me."

Team doesn't look entirely convinced but the earrings are in, Win isn't dressed and Pharm is a stickler for punctuality. So he shrugs and plops himself on the bed to wait.

Leaning his weight back on his hands, Team is sorely tempted to say something to make Win hurry up but he holds in tongue in favor of admiring the sight of his half-naked husband.

This is the first time in months that both of them have managed to have a day off from training, business meetings and the responsibilities that come from being adults. Team's schedule as a national swimmer doesn't just involve his actual swim training but multiple meetings with brand endorsers, sponsors, fans, international coaches and the like and Win's been busy after officially taking over the family business. Neither of them have had a chance to simply be with each other and their friends.

Somehow though, all 6 of them have managed to finagle a weekend free of responsibilities and Pharm had jumped on the opportunity to invite them all to a pre-opening of his new restaurant.

It was a little tradition the chef had started, back when he'd opened his very first restaurant. The weekend before the opening, Pharm would invite his closest friends and family to the new restaurant to try out all the menus and to see whether they'd enjoy the ambiance.

They've done it for the last three restaurants and the nights have always been a hit; a chance for friends to catch up and for all of them to let go of adult responsibilities.

And Team is looking forward to this weekend; two whole days with Win where they can be naked in bed and answerable only to each other.

Speaking of naked, Team chastises himself for losing focus and redirects his attention to said husband, who has finally stopped admiring his ears and is in the process of pulling dark jeans on.

8 years together and Team will still feel that hot flash of want and affection every time he looks at Win. The tattoos covering the expanse of his back and arms, inked skin that Team has marked with his lips. Pale skin hiding lithe muscle, built from years of being in the pool, strong enough to lift him and pin him to a wall. Dark hair, thick enough for Team to grip and yank as Win brings him to the brink with his skilled fingers. And his piercings...Team didn't realize how much he's missed seeing the silver jewelry swaying in those ears.

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