5 Things

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There are 5 things Win loves with absolute certainty. Two of them have to do with Team.

prompt: what did you think i meant? 

Warning: smut, slight BDSM


Win has five things that he loves.

1. Team (obviously)
2. His family (his mother would shank him if Win put her any lower)
3. Swimming
4. Dean (and Pharm...they're a package deal as much as Team and him)
5. Team's face when he orgasms.

....okay so it's a weird thing to put at #5 but the fact still remains that when Team comes under Win's ministrations, it might be the most beautiful thing on earth.

Win had fallen in love with that face that very first night on the beach. Young, inexperienced and still so defiant, Team had succumbed to his touches so sweetly, fingers digging into Win's shoulders as spit-slicked hands jerked him nice and slow.

The face that Team had made, eyes scrunched shut, lips parted, back arching as he came with shuddering breaths...it had cemented itself in Win's mind, an image he used to bring himself to the edge for many nights after.

And then Team sought him out on campus and Win found more reasons to love this ornery boy, so quick to snap back and shove Win but yanking him closer and needing soft reassuring touches when nightmares found him in the dark.

Their relationship may have begun with sex but it's slowly turned into something that they can proudly display to their friends and to the world. It's taken them time but now in public, Team will hold Win's hand and they'll enjoy the good-natured ribbing of their friends and both boys will laugh when someone tries to get too bold and ask who tops.

They all seem to assume it's Win but the blonde has never had a preference. It meant having a conversation one day, cross legged on his bed and letting Team know that the option was available to him. So while it really is none of their business, Win feels the utmost vindictive pleasure when his boyfriend cocks an eyebrow and lets the idiots on the team know that they go both ways. He also sincerely loves how they look at Team with something akin to awe.

Win loves it when Team tops him but right now, watching as his boyfriend writhes under him, bound fingers curled into the pillow above, cock red and leaking...Buddha above there is nothing he loves more.

"You close baby?" he asks, smiling as Team whimpers below him, frantically nodding his head. There's sweat beading the younger man's forehead and his lip looks red and puffy under the abuse from Team's teeth.

"Please hia, come on. Just let me cum! You promised!" Team begs, bound wrists reaching for his neglected cock. He's been hard ever since Win unwound the tie from his neck and pushed him down onto the bed an hour ago.

Team cries out when Win slaps his hands away and the speed of his thrusts decreases, "What did you think I meant when I promised to punish you for that stunt today? I wasn't kidding sweetheart. You'll cum on my cock and my cock alone. You even think of touching yourself and I'll leave you wanting for the entirety of the week."

The threat is more than enough to bring Team's hands back above his head and the ease in which Team listens to him brings such a wave of affection in Win that he rewards the younger by leaning down and pressing their lips together.

It's a harsh kiss, one that Team deepens by tugging Win flush against his bare skin, his fingers coming back to wind themselves into the blonde hair and tongue licking into Win's mouth.

They break with a pant and Win grinds his hips upwards with a groan, " Fuck ! So good. You feel so good!"

Seeing him with tied wrists, thighs splayed, spit slicked lips and tears in his eyes...the trust that Team has in him is monumental and one that Win knows he's earned. In the beginning, Team would have never consented to being bound. He had every hackle up, unwilling to give Win more than the bare minimum and unable to express what he'd want.

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