The "Coming Out"

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Team sees Karmic Justice happen as his son struggles to say something important. Win, on the other hand, feels vindicated.

prompt: bisexuality


Thai Dishes:

Pak Boong: morning glory; a spinach-like vegetable

Gaeng Keow Wan: green curry

Gai Tod: fried chicken

Kai Med Ma Muang: chicken with cashew nuts

Khao Niew Ma Muang: mango with sticky rice


Shin has an issue. A big issue. Monumental. End-of-the-world catastrophic certain death kind of issue.

"You are such a drama queen. You're bringing home your girlfriend, that's all." Alia scoffs next to him, her body swaying as their train picks up speed and Shin turns to her with big woeful eyes.

"No, no! It'd be one thing to introduce my dads to my girlfriend. It's another to introduce them to my girlfriend's boyfriend !"

Standing above him, one hand clutching the handrail, Tam chuckles as he ducks down to press a kiss against Shin's cheek, "So you're in a polyandrous relationship. I don't see why it has to be an issue when you have gay dads."

Shin colors slightly at the public affection but his hand curls into the hem of Tam's shirt, turning brown eyes upward to explain his world-ending woes, "The gay is not the issue. You and I are not going to be the problem, trust me. But to have a third person into the mix? What if they have an issue with that? With the fact that I'm dating two people instead of the required one?? And what if they think I'm a home-wrecker? That I squeezed my way between you and Tam? And that Alia is now being pushed away because there's no place for her in-"

All of a sudden, there are a pair of lips being pressed against his, tongue licking past the seam of his lips and intertwining with his. The whimper that breaks out of him is minute but enough that Tam above him groans softly and curls his fingers around Shin's cheek.

When Alia finally pulls back to let him breathe, there's a dazed look across Shin's face, glazed enough that Alia giggles as she thumbs away a trace of lipstick from the man's lip.

"Effective." Tam comments mildly, lips quirked up in a grin.

"I often am." The woman flicks her raven blue hair over one shoulder, settling back in her seat and grinning as Shin recovers and pouts at the surprise attack.

"You promised no more surprise kissing me." He says with a soft whine, glowering at his girlfriend. For her part, Alia's apology consists of running her hand through Shin's hair, messy from how many times he's clutched at it in the last 15 minutes.

The indulgent touches are calming and very unlike Alia. In their relationship of three, Tam has always been the empathic and tactile one, offering soft kisses and light touches. Shin is the panicked bisexual, trying not to let his own paranoia and insecurities screw up the happiest he's ever been. And Alia is their rock, the stable logical one that pulls back either man from tipping over the brink.

And he needs that now, her stability as Shin tries to calm himself down. Still, it's a struggle as thoughts fly through his head at the speed of light.

From the time he's been a child, Shin has only ever seen monogamy run rampant in their family. It's not just his parents, his uncles Pharm and Dean have never had eyes for anyone else and his aunt Manaow has been pretty much the same. In some instances, Shin recalls his dad making off-handed comments that he never understood the need for more than one person in a relationship.

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