Unknown Feelings

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AOMINE COULDN'T STOP CURSING at himself. His annoying mind kept replaying the words that left his lips, reminding him of how stupid and weird for him to say such things. He angrily crushed the box of juice in his hands before casting it aside. A few girls that were walking pass gave him a dirty look.

There's no doubt that Aomine was a good-looking boy, but he was also not the kind of guy that gets into relationships, let alone have feelings for someone. He didn't like the idea of being tied down to one person. Aomine preferred being free, even if it means being alone. Besides, he was so focused on basketball, and only basketball.

So why did you say that back then?

A tiny voice in his head spoke to him and he ruffled his blue hair in frustration. Aomine thought of an excuse, in case Kuroko heard him that day. He would tell him he was just caught up in the moment and was just worried about him. Sure, Aomine cared about him, but only as a friend, a teammate. Nothing more, nothing less.

The bell rang, indicating that break was over. Aomine let out a heavy sigh before getting up. He couldn't wait for his classes to be done so he could go ahead with practice.

When the day was finally over, Aomine was quick to get changed and was the first to arrive at the gym.

Or so he thought.

Sounds of a ball bouncing could be heard from outside, and he's heard rumours saying this particular gym was haunted. Shaking the thought away, he stepped in and was surprised to see the one and only Kuroko Tetsuya.

"Oh, Aomine-kun." The pale boy greeted him, forgetting the ball he had thrown. It fell and hit his head, causing Kuroko to let out a yelp. Aomine was quick to rush for his aid. How can one be so clumsy?

"Stupid Kuroko," He sighed, checking the smaller boy's head. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, Aomine-kun." Kuroko only smiled.

Aomine's heartstrings tugged at his expression, but he didn't understand why. His mind was so quick to remind him of the embarrassing words he said, but he shut his mind off instantly.

"Aomine-kun," Kuroko voiced out, bringing Aomine back to reality. "About what you said the other day..."

Shit, did he hear? Shit, shit, shit!

"Wh-What are you talking about?" Aomine acknowledged his heartbeat was increasing. He was nervous and scared of what Kuroko might say. The last thing Aomine wanted was for his friend to hate him. They just became friends!

"You told me you believed in me, remember?"

Oh. That.

"That was the first time we spoke," Kuroko reminisced as he stared at the ground between them. "And what you said back then has been glued with me since then. Because of you, I want to be better."

Aomine saw the way Kuroko's eyes shone when they made eye contact. The sparkles in his eyes were enough to tell him how motivated Kuroko was. His heartstrings tugged again and it was becoming more painful for some reason, but Aomine couldn't grasp on the reason why.

"Kuroko –"

"There you are!" Murasakibara yelled angrily, cutting Aomine off. "I've been looking everywhere for you, Kuroko. I didn't even get the chance to buy my snacks because of you."

A small part of Aomine was glad that the tall player had interrupted them, but another small part of him was upset that he did. Either way, Aomine was thankful for Murasakibara. Who knows what other embarrassing things he would've said.

A few hours have passed and practice was finally over. Both Aomine and Kuroko chose to stay for a little while longer. After all, Aomine had promised to help Kuroko improve his skills. Murasakibara didn't hesitate to leave, said something about a limited edition snack was coming in store.

It was quiet, only the sound of balls bouncing surrounded the empty gym. Aomine watched as Kuroko struggled to do a layup. It was one of the few basics that Aomine learnt when he was a little boy, so he figured it would be best to guide his teammate. He called Kuroko, and the latter turned immediately.

"I'll teach you. Come here." Aomine waved his hand, signalling for Kuroko to stand where he was.

"You're taking too many steps," The tanned boy explained as Kuroko listened attentively. "There are three steps in total, the last being the jump to score. First, you stand this way. Make sure your foot doesn't cross that line before you jump."

Kuroko seemed confused, so Aomine guided him physically. He adjusted Kuroko's legs, before he realised how close they were standing. Kuroko's skin was cold and smooth under his touch. Aomine gulped, but continued to teach. Kuroko noticed how tensed his friend was but chose not to say anything.

"Your right foot moves first, then your left. Then, you jump." Aomine taught. Following his instructions, Kuroko's right foot stepped forward, then his left. Before he could jump, he lost his balance. Aomine was quick to catch him before he injures himself again. First, the basketball hitting his head, now this?

"Kuroko, Kuroko," Aomine groaned in pain, Kuroko laying on his stomach. "Are you that unfortunate?"

"I'm very sorry, Aomine-kun. I don't know what's gotten in me these days."

Aomine realised Kuroko was not making the effort to move away. Their faces were inches apart when the smaller boy turned and he could hear his heart racing again.

What is this feeling?


"I heard you, Aomine-kun," Kuroko laid his forehead onto the tanned boy's chest, confessing. "I heard what you said that day. In the infirmary."

Aomine's eyes widened as if they were about to pop off. His mouth opened, but no words escaped. He was speechless.

"Why do you like me?" Kuroko was now staring into his eyes. The same sparkle was still there, and Aomine thought Kuroko had the prettiest eyes. He could stare at them for a long time, and he wouldn't care if they sucked him in.

"I don't." He instantly answered, but that wasn't what he wanted to say.

"I do, as a friend," He corrected himself, but it still felt wrong. "Just not in... that way. Please don't misunderstand, Kuroko."

"I see." And there it was, the same smile. But Aomine noticed the spark had disappeared.

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