Basketball Loser

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KUROKO WAS GLAD THAT he and Murasakibara shared the same classroom. The tall boy seemed nice to be around with, and it seemed to Kuroko that he didn't mind if he followed him almost everywhere he went. Murasakibara had talked about joining the basketball club, because according to him, it might be the most suitable club for him, due to his tall height and strong energy. Kuroko actually agreed, and encouraged him to do so.

"What club are you joining?" He lazily questioned, head placed on the desk as he gazed at the quiet boy. Kuroko stayed silent for a few moment as he thought deeply, then he said, "I'm not sure yet. I'll probably join the book club or something. I like reading."

"Eh ~ that's boring." Murasakibara commented, but Kuroko only smiled.

"You should join the basketball club," He added. "It seems to be that they need more players."

"They need good players, Murasakibara-kun," The pale boy sighed. "I'm not good enough."

The purple-haired boy didn't deny it. Kuroko's figure was small and he doesn't seem fit enough to play such sport. He's probably more suitable for badminton or ping pong. His shape just didn't scream basketball. Kuroko frowned a little when he realised his friend was examining his figure, and he felt insecure all of a sudden.

"What are you thinking about?" He questioned in a timid voice.

"Nothing much, just thinking about how the club wouldn't suit you," Murasakibara sighed. "You're right. Maybe the book club is for you."

Kuroko tried hard not to let his statement hurt his feelings, but he failed. He really did loved basketball, and he'd always admired the way the players played that sport. The way they ran and passed the ball to each other, the speed and swiftness... Everything about the sport made Kuroko thrilled and he really wished he was good at it.

Unfortunately, he wasn't.

"You're a stubborn person, aren't you?" Murasakibara smiled.

They were currently at the basketball club's try outs, and Kuroko had just done his first shoot. Well, it wasn't really a shoot since the ball didn't manage to enter the ring. It was quite embarrassing, and Kuroko could hear the soft snickers and chuckles echoing among the other boys. His face heated up and he dipped his head down.

"I love basketball." He mumbled.

"But maybe it isn't for you."

"Keep quiet, everyone!" A voice commanded and Kuroko brought his heavy head back up again. A small group of seniors were standing in front of them, friendly yet scary eyes staring at all of the newcomers. Kuroko gulped and stepped back, nearly hitting Murasakibara's legs in the process.

"The selection has been done," The team captain announced before letting out a huge sigh. "It wasn't what we've expected, because you're not as good as we thought you were. But we're giving you a chance. Now, please step out if your names are called."

Kuroko was sure his name wouldn't be called out, because he knew he did badly. The purple-haired boy placed a hand on his shoulder and he glanced up.

"Better luck next time." Murasakibara told him.

Kuroko sighed sadly.

As names were called, Kuroko's eyes widened a little when he saw the familiar tanned boy stepping out from the crowd. A smirk played across his lips and he seemed proud of himself. The pale boy only frowned more, wishing he could be as good as him.

"Congratulations, Aomine Daiki." The team captain patted the boy's shoulder, then proceeded to call out more names.

Just as predicted, Kuroko's name wasn't called. Of course, Murasakibara was one of the new team, since he was tall and all that. There was nothing good about Kuroko, so it wasn't a surprise that he wasn't chosen to be part of the new team.

"Kuroko Tetsuya."

His heart froze for a few moments. His name was called, wasn't it?

Murasakibara's eyes flashed confusion, but a genuine smile played across his lips.

"Kuroko Tetsuya, please step forward."

"Uh – Y-Yes."

The pale boy stepped forward and joined the team, his heartbeat increasing every second. There were whispers of confusion and despise among the crowd, but Kuroko only remained silent as he was also confused himself.

"Alright, that's all for the selection. To those who successfully made it, congratulations once again, and to those who didn't, do try again. And till then, good luck and see you."

Kuroko still couldn't believe it, but he knew that the happiness he was feeling was definitely real. He promised to work hard, to try his best, so he could be one of the best players.

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